I’ve been eating my way through my divorce. In January I was up to 185 pounds which is about 40 pounds heavier than I want to be. I don’t want to lose weight because I feel insecure or bad about myself. I mean if you follow me on IG you know I’ve been wearing a […]
weight loss
12 Week Weight Loss Progress Update
I gained 25 pounds in 2021. I basically ate my way through the discomfort of the second half of the year. By December all of my clothes were too tight (and they are pretty much all elasticized) I decided to join a weight loss/healthy living program at the Y called Lose to Win. It’s […]
This Week In Self-Care and Weight Loss, Episode 1: The Power of A Mindset Shift
In January I joined a program at the Y called Lose to Win. It’s a 12 week weight loss/healthy living program, and there are some competitive aspects to it as well. You can “win” several different categories including total percentage of weight lost, most group fitness classes attended, most cardio minutes, most spin classes, most […]
This is the last time I’m doing this.
Nine years ago I was at my heaviest (non-pregnant) weight ever. I had given birth to five kids in six years, was overwhelmed, had no money, was in a fucked up marriage and was not taking care of myself. Life looked like this: And this: and this: and this: Nine years ago I was 43 […]
How I Lost Twenty Pounds and Started Changing My Body (After 50)
Back in May I had hit an all time high, non-pregnant weight of 181.4 pounds. Getting up into the 180’s was due to a number of factors. A hysterectomy two years ago threw me into menopause last summer. That seriously messed with my body. I’m also in the middle of a divorce, and I was […]
Two Tenths Away
Back in May I set an initial weight loss goal. It wasn’t where I wanted to be ultimately, but it would be a first big step. I wanted to lose 20 pounds. Today I was at 19.8 pounds down. I’m so close. Just 0.2 more to go. Losing twenty pounds would put me at 161.4 […]