This weight loss and fitness journey is not about vanity. Ok, well, maybe it is a little. But my self esteem is not entirely dependent upon what size my pants are or how much I weigh, like it was when I was in my twenties and thirties. No, this journey is about setting a good […]
Mental Health
What’s stopping you? That’s right. Nothing.
How mindful are you? How often have you driven somewhere and had no recollection of the drive? How many times have you walked upstairs to get something and then stood at the top of the stairs wondering what the hell you came upstairs to get in the first place? How many times have you read […]
Operation Organization: Where did all my sh*t go?
I’m 2 weeks into Operation Organization. If you Follow the Facebook page, you may have seen the progress. If not, here’s a recap. So far, I’ve finished the dining room… Before After The mudroom… Before After The office…. Before After My bedroom… Before After Number 6 and 7’s room…. Before After The stairs… Before After And […]
I’m looking at the Mom in the mirror. I’m asking her to change her ways.
I kind of put a lot of things on hold or pushed them aside for the marathon. So now I’m on a quest to get organized and catch up. I’m also on a mission to become more organized in general. Permanently. I can’t take it anymore. The other day I was listening to Howard Stern. […]
Help. It’s not a four letter word.
I want to be able to do it all. By myself. I want to work out 3 hours a day. And win this whole fucking Lose to Win thing. I want to stay on top of the laundry. And reply to all my emails in a timely manner. Or respond to all my emails at all. […]
I’m not normal. And that’s what makes me normal.
I can’t remember a time when I didn’t compare myself to every other girl in the room. As far back as I remember. She’s prettier than me. Skinnier than me. Smarter than me. More popular than me. Has nicer clothes than me. She’s just plain old better than me. That shit is tiring! So […]