I am so excited for today.
Today is a whole new beginning for me in so many ways. Too many ways to sufficiently discuss them all in one blog post.
So I will start with just one.
Today it has officially been six weeks since my surgery. That means I have clearance to go back to a normal life.
And to exercise.
I have missed exercising so much!
It wasn’t always this way. Even though I was an athlete all through high school and college, I never thought there would come a day where I would miss exercise and be really frustrated and angry when I couldn’t do it.
In high school and college I worked out because I had to. I was on the swim team, and that was what I did. I went to morning practice and afternoon practice six days a week. I lifted. I swam. I ran. I cross trained.
When I finished my swimming career my senior year in college, I boycotted exercise. I was done.
In fact, it only took a few years for me to become a full fledged smoker after my swimming career came to an end.
I went from one extreme to the other.
Eventually exercise made its way back into my life.
At first I exercised solely to lose weight.
This led to triathlons and marathons, and then I was working out more for training purposes.
It would take a couple years for me to get to the place I am now.
To the place where I exercise because I feel better when I do it, whether I’m a size 6 or a size 16.
I don’t exercise only when I want to drop a few pounds now.
I exercise because I just feel better when I do it. And my brain needs exercise!
And here is another (big!) thing I realized since having a hysterectomy and pelvic reconstructive surgery.
I heard all sorts of horror stories about peoples’ recovery from the same surgery I had. I anticipated weeks and weeks of discomfort. Or even agony.
I was never in agony. And aside from the obvious areas where I’d be really sore, like around the incision sites, I felt great. I had such an easy recovery from my surgery.
Maybe I’m just one of those people who recovers quickly.
But I’d wager a whole bag of money that a lot of it had to do with the fact that I have been exercising regularly for almost five years now.
Even though I’m heavier than I’d like to be, I’m still in decent shape. Even after not being able to exercise at all for weeks.
When I went in for my three week post-op appointment, the nurse took my blood pressure and heart rate.
“Your pulse is 60 bpm,” she said. “That’s fantastic!”
I’m not anywhere near the shape I want to be in.
But I still have some level of fitness, even after surgery and being out of commission.
This didn’t happen overnight. Like I said, it’s been five years of regular exercise.
And five years of gradually developing small habits that have made me healthier and stronger. Five years that have created this active lifestyle that I love which allows me to keep up with my kids and all their activities! Even just a week or two after having parts of my body removed!
Somewhere along the way, I learned to accept my body and appreciate it, no matter what size it was.
And I have transformed from a person who had to exercise to a person who wants to exercise.
Not to lose weight.
But just for self care.
I am so excited to break a sweat again, for how it will help both my body and my brain. How it will help me sleep and ease my stress and enable me to be a more patient mom.
And you know what?
I’d love to help you I’d love to have you join me in getting back on track.
If you are someone who just been able to incorporate exercise into your routine, I can help you. We can do this together!
Because in one week, on Monday April 16th, Not Your Average Fitness Course is back!
It’s a six-week course designed to help you incorporate healthier habits into your life. To help you gradually develop habits that will stick.
It’s not about kicking your ass. It’s not about before and after pictures or cutting out sugar or whole food groups.
It’s about providing you with prompts, motivation and support that will help you to make one or two changes that will improve the quality of your life.
You’ll receive daily emails, be part of an exclusive closed Facebook group, have weekly Facebook live broadcasts, receive daily feedback from me and the other members of the course, and be a part of a super supportive group of women who totally get the struggles you face when attempting to make yourself a priority.
Not Your Average Fitness Course starts on Monday, April 16th, and ends six weeks later, on Monday, May 28th. Memorial Day.
By Memorial Day, the official kick off of summer, you will be feeling more confident, more comfortable in your own skin — no matter what size you are — stronger, and healthier.
Not Your Average Fitness Course is flexible, it works for all levels of ability, and for all ages. Whatever level you are starting at, it will take you to the next one.
And I will be doing it right along side you.
I really would love to have you join me.
It’s like our own private workout and therapy group.
Registration is open now.
Don’t wait until you are on the verge of a physical or emotional breakdown to take care of yourself. Start today.
You totally deserve it.
Did this start yesterday? I registered over the weekend but haven’t heard anything. Let me know, thanks!
Yes! I’ll email you. Sometimes the emails get sent to your spam or promotional folders.