This weight loss thing isn’t easy.
In fact, a lot of the time it sucks.
But so does being out of shape.
Walking up a flight of stairs and panting sucks.
Not having the energy to keep up with your kids, and watching them live their lives while you park your ass on the couch sucks.
Wondering what you could have accomplished sucks.
Having another summer roll around and not wanting to take off your clothes sucks.
All of those things suck way more than the effort and work it takes to get healthy.
Feeling like shit about yourself is no fun. And it hurts way more than the pain of working out and having some discipline in your life.
Being healthy does not suck.
Last January, I looked like this:
That sucked.
Last September I looked like this:
That did not suck.
Last week I looked like this:
I gained some weight back.
That sucked.
This morning I look like this:
No, not much visible difference from last week, but I’m back on track.
And that doesn’t suck.
I could beat myself up for falling off the wagon.
I could wallow in the gray twilight.
I could view myself as a failure.
I could look at my journey toward glorious triumph as being a little bit checkered by failure.
Big difference.
No gray twilight for me!
If you could use some help getting out of your gray twilight, register for my next e-course.
It starts today. It’s not too late.
We can work toward that glorious triumph together.
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Weight is a constant battle for me too. I was heavy when my kids were little I sat while they played. Now I’m close to where I want to be, I was there but then gained some back now back to trying to get it off again. Like I said a constant battle.
It’s the eating for me. I’m great with the working out. The eating? Not so much sometimes.
I have fallen waaay off the wagon this time. I feel so yucky. I know I have to exercise to feel better but it easy to keep putting it off.
You are right. Getting back on track is much better than wallowing in my failure. Thanks for the inspiration.
No problem Michelle 🙂 Hope you got up off your butt and got moving today 🙂