It has taken me 44 years, but I am finally comfortable in my own skin.
Getting here has not been easy.
And don’t get me wrong.
I wouldn’t mind losing a few pounds.
I have more cleavage than I’d like to have.
On my back.
But, for the first time in my life, I feel really sexy and attractive just the way I am.
Even with my wrinkles.
And without a six pack.
My main focus has finally shifted from the outside to the inside.
I just want to be healthy.
I want my body and my brain to feel good.
If , as a result of shifting my focus I lose those grandma arms or start to see signs of a six pack, well, that would be awesome.
But that fucking six pack, or lack of it, does not define me anymore.
I don’t need to lose weight.
My BMI is in the healthy range.
Those are the important things.
The other things are just extras.
The other day after Number 3’s doctor appointment, we had to stop at Rite Aid to pick up some antibiotics.
The prescription wasn’t quite ready yet, and I decided to get my flu shot while I was there, so Number 3 and I went to that little waiting area.
There was a blood pressure machine there, and while we were waiting, I decided to check and see what mine was.
I strapped myself in and waited for the machine to do its thing.
While it was squeezing and calculating, the pharmacist came over with my flu shot.
She sat and waited for the machine to finish.
My readings came up on the screen.
My blood pressure was 111/74.
My resting heart rate was 55 (and I had gone for a pretty long run about an hour before that).
Number 3 looked at the screen.
“MOM! 55? Is that bad?” he asked me.
“No,” said the pharmacist, “That’s good. That means your mom is in really good shape.”
Number 3 turned and looked at me and put his hand up in the air.
“High five, Mom!” he said to me.
Before I was married and had kids, I was a size 2.
I had a pretty flat stomach.
Maybe not a six pack, but at least a four pack.
I can honestly tell you that during those skinny years, I never felt as good about myself as I did when my son high fived me with that look of both awe and admiration in his eyes.
And that is what my e-course is all about.
It’s not about attaining something on the outside.
It’s about attaining something on the inside that radiates through to the outside.
Something that spreads to your children.
Something that shows them that taking care of the inside of their body is much more important than what things look like on the outside of their body.
And if I can help them learn that in less than 44 years, well, then I’ll really feel like I’ve done my job as their mom.
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