If lack of motivation, lack of time or multiple failed attempts are holding you back from making changes in 2021, my FREE challenge will fix that. Register NOW! It’s Number 7’s ninth birthday today. Since she’s being homeschooled right now, one of her gifts was to not have any school today and have fun with […]
Lessons I've Learned
Lessons From My 11-Year-Old
I don’t know if you remember, but back in March when we were 15 days into the Pandemic and the kids were really over winter and couldn’t wait to go swimming, I wrote this post. They were so desperate to be in a pool that they had filled up a garbage can with water and […]
RBG Was A Badass. She Was Also A Shitty Cook.
I’ve been doing a lot of reading about Ruth Bader Ginsburg since her passing. I knew she was a trailblazer, but I didn’t know a whole lot about her specifically. I’ve learned a lot in the last few days about how she was a champion for women’s rights. Ruth Bader Ginsburg was one of the […]
The First Week
It’s been a week since I watched Number 4 walk away from the existence we had known for the last fourteen years and into a new phase of life. Last Friday I dropped her off at boarding school for her freshman year of high school. This was not something I ever envisioned doing. I imagined […]
It’s Your Job To Plug Yourself In
I saw this on Facebook today. https://www.facebook.com/thescarymommy/photos/a.375569458300/10158198745883301/?type=3&theater And while I have to agree that moms are often underappreciated, I disagree with this post. Most of it, anyway. It is true for me that since becoming a mom, I haven’t had the pleasure of someone else feeding me more than a handful of times. Very rarely […]
Telling The Kids About The Divorce
I was terrified to tell the kids about the divorce. I Googled just about every combination of words I could think of. How to tell your kids you are getting divorced. The best way to tell your kids you are getting divorced. Tips for telling your kids you are getting divorced. Every article and blog […]