Two months ago I really committed to improving my health. To losing weight. To getting stronger. To eating better. To just taking better care of myself in general. I have succeeded in most of those areas. I’ve been working really hard to be disciplined. My palate is starting to change. I started to make changes […]
Not Your Average Chopped Kids, Episode 1
I’m using a new video uploading service, and I’ve been playing around with it a little bit. It makes embedding videos really easy and simple, which is exactly what I need because tech stuff overwhelms me pretty easily. One of Number 5 and Number 7’s new favorite things it to play Chopped. Last week we […]
Are You Suffering From MMFS (Meal Making Fatigue Syndrome)?
Are you suffering from MMFS? Meal Making Fatigue Syndrome? I am. 100 or so days in a row of making breakfast, lunch and dinner for seven people has officially taken its toll. I have major burnout. How did Caroline Ingalls do it? How did she make three meals a day, every day for like… EVER??? […]
Day 23: Wafflemaker Hash Browns
My kids love hash brown patties like the ones they sell at Dunkin Donuts. But they don’t love the shredded ones. A week or so ago I saw a post on Facebook about making hash browns out of tater tots in the waffle maker. So I Googled waffle maker hash browns and a few recipes popped […]
Day 22: Lunch a la Little House On The Prairie (And Delicious & Easy Baked Penne )
I have been enjoying cooking for my family. And my family has also been enjoying me cooking for them. Number 4 said to me, “Mom, you have been making some really good food, and I just wanted to tell you that I really appreciate it.” That little acknowledgment meant A LOT to me. We haven’t […]
Day 21: Baking With Children (aka Immersion Therapy)
We have been doing a lot of baking. Apparently so have lots of other people, because when I went to the grocery store last weekend, there was no baking powder anywhere. That was something I wasn’t anticipating a shortage of. But my dad came to the rescue and found some at WalMart when he had […]