Yesterday as I was coming out of ShopRite, I ran into a friend who told me I was starting to look…
I’m losing weight from the head down and the toes up.
My arms and legs are developing some serious muscle definition.
I have to admit that I’ve been spending a lot of time admiring them.
Most of the crap left to work on is in my midsection.
And I have a 3 week goal.
It’s the tight white tank top goal.
I said a couple months ago that for the first time in years, I wasn’t mortified to wear a tank top.
That my arms were starting to look good.
That I even have triceps now.
I have a black tank top that I wear all the time.
Because black still hides the imperfections in that ab area.
It camouflages the flaws.
Unlike a white one.
That mothereffer shows every bulge and bump.
So that’s the 3 week goal.
Tight white tank top in 3 weeks.
With confidence.
Being told I’m starting to look shredded in the parking lot of ShopRite is a damn good feeling.
There aren’t many things better than when another person recognizes the changes in your body.
But there is one change taking place that is even better than that.
Even better.
I have become a much healthier role model for my children.
And the changes I have made, and the lifestyle I have adopted are actually translating to the kids.
Yesterday I walked into the playroom,
and this is what I saw:
On their own.
Just for fun.
I found this:
and this:
Number 4 has put herself on a schedule.
Yes, I know it’s a lot.
But that’s Number 4.
Everything about her is a lot.
And that swim lesson on the Sunday Schedg (pronounced schedge)?
She really did that.
While I was digging a new garden bed in the backyard,
she was in the pool giving Number 5 a swim lesson.
And she was doing a really good job.
So anyway,
I’ve reached that age where I am realizing that if I don’t start taking care of my body,
it’s gonna crap out on me.
Where my kids are growing up, and doing some really awesome things,
and I want to be able to do those things with them.
When I’m 60, I don’t want to watch my daughter run a marathon from the sidelines.
I want to cheer her on while I run it with her.
I wish that light bulb had clicked on for me earlier.
But I’m pretty sure it has clicked on for my kids.
They are learning to take care of, respect, and value their bodies.
Hopefully this will carry through.
Hopefully they will continue to follow in the footsteps I am leaving for them now, and not the ones I was leaving 20 or 10 or 5 years ago.
When I was polishing off a bag of cookies, or a bottle of wine, or a pack of cigarettes without a second thought.
I am not a do-as-I-say-and-not-as-I-do mom anymore.
That feels even better than being shredded.
And then,
even better,
yesterday I was in the kitchen.
Out of nowhere, Number 4 walked in and said to me,
“Mom? When I grow up, I want to be just like you.”
Instant waterworks.
Because for the first time in my life,
I think that would be a good thing.
She gave me a hug, looked up at me, and asked,
“Do you think when I’m older I’ll be as good an athlete as you are?”
The waterworks started up again.
She was killing me.
“I think you already are,” I said.
No sidelines for me when this kid is older.
I may be a few steps, or laps, or miles behind her,
but I’ll be right there with her,
in the mix,
every step of the way.
Day 1
Day 173
Day 1
Day 173
Jamie is registered for her second 5K on July 4th!!!
Day 1
Day 73
Day 1
Day 73
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Even $5 will help.
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I loved this post! I can totally relate the role model for a healthy, and body image confidence helps too 🙂 for our families…and not just the kids. My youngest daughter, Gabby 19 who is a pretty talented natural athlete, and I walked a half marathon on Mother’s Day! It’s a new tradition but next year our goal is to run it! Thanks for the great sharing you do!
I think I’ll do the same next Mother’s Day. We have a 5K race here in town. Perfect for the younger ones!
I LOVE how you went from wearing ‘so much’ clothes to just a bikini, my type of lady 😉