I am 12 weeks into not treating my body like crap and being more mindful of what I put into it.
This is a big week for me because yesterday was one year since I quit drinking.
I think one of the reasons I gained so much weight in the last year is because without the aid of drinking to deal with stress or suppress feelings, I turned to food.
And then I packed on twenty+ pounds.
So I am feeling really good about gradually removing the unhealthy ways I was dealing with stress from my life.
This past week I also finally hit the fifteen pounds lost mark which was a milestone I’ve been trying to reach for a couple weeks.
I am 164 pounds, and the next milestone is to get into the 150s, a number I haven’t seen in quite a while. Like a couple years.
My waist is now 35 1/2 ” — Twelve weeks ago it was a super unhealthy 38 1/4″, and I have been wanting to get under 36″ which greatly decreases your risk of heart disease.
I ran three miles on Saturday and for the first time in about a year I was able to average under a 10:30/minute mile.
I’m getting stronger physically and I’m getting stronger mentally, and I’m feeling confident and attractive and basically like I can do just about anything.
So that doesn’t suck.
Tomorrow is the 4th of July, and I’ll wake up early and go for a run and then I’ll hang out happily in my bikini with my muffin top and cellulite on display for my friends and kids to see feeling really good about my insides and my outsides.
A week from tomorrow I have my second triathlon, and I am super excited for that.
I used to look forward to Mom’s Nights Out and drinking with my friends, but now my Mom’s Night Out is a triathlon, and I’m looking forward to that even more.
Week 12 is starting off to be a pretty awesome week.
If you are looking for support and a group of women who are trying to live a healthier life, join us at Not Your Average Fitness Group.
And if you are looking for even more motivation and accountability, Not Your Average Fitness Course Summer Session II is now open for registration!
Not Your Average Fitness Course Summer Session II is open for registration.
We start on Monday, July 16th. Make yourself a priority today!
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