People very often say to me, “I don’t know how you do it with so many kids at home.” Sometimes I don’t know how I do it either. It’s often a shakedown cruise here at my house. But sometimes, we are a (sort of) well-oiled machine. And it’s for one reason: our kids have responsibilities […]
Number 4
Sometimes you are the role model for your kids. Other times, they are the role model for you.
I have spent the past few months feeling like this panda. I haven’t completely stopped exercising or anything, but I also haven’t been training for any marathons or races, I’m coming out of a fairly significant bout of depression, and I’ve dealt with that and the stress of other stuff by eating. And eating. And […]
The Little Bear
For the first time in the history of, um… ever, I have all my Christmas shopping done. And all of my presents are wrapped. It’s a Christmas miracle. Of course, that means that one of the kids was going to add something onto their Christmas list, something that they wanted MORE. THAN. ANYTHING. Number 4, […]
The solution is simple.
Yesterday I lost it on the kids a little bit. They deserved it. But I felt bad about the way I handled the situation later. And when it comes down to it, their behavior isn’t really their fault. It’s mine. Because while I know they are capable of behaving better, they aren’t. And when they […]
Number 4’s debut and a new feature on the blog!
A month or so ago I wrote a post declaring that I wanted to start reading again. Before I had kids I used to read all the time. Then the kids came, and they kept coming, and I didn’t have the time or the desire or the energy to read anything for a sustained period of […]
If it isn’t my kid, it’s gonna be someone else’s.
About a week ago, I received a message from a woman I have never met. She informed me that although Number 4 had actually spoken to her daughter, she had told a couple of her daughter’s friends that Santa Claus wasn’t real, and then she continued with, “I was hoping maybe you could ask her […]