8 months ago, I allowed someone to take my picture.
Maybe not a big deal, you say.
But to me, it was.
Because I felt really,
bad about the way that I looked.
The past 8 years have been spent avoiding having my picture taken.
At all costs.
And there were some heavy costs.
I have almost no pictures of myself with my kids.
Because I was fat.
And embarrassed.
It’s not really fair to them.
Here is that picture from eight months ago:
I showed my husband this picture last night.
You know what he said?
He said,
“Wow. I had no idea you looked like that.”
I did.
It wasn’t good.
Now granted, it was January, so we were all pretty pasty and everyone’s hair was a little darker.
But still.
I looked like shit.
I tried my hardest to hide behind Number 4.
But I really needed about four Number 4’s to totally camouflage myself.
I have always wanted a nice picture of our whole family. But I just felt too shitty about myself to arrange for one.
Being overweight wasn’t just affecting my self-esteem.
And my health.
It was also stopping me from creating memories with my family.
Memories for my kids.
I have always been that person who vowed, today is the day.
I’d last approximately 2 hours, and then I’d cave.
I’d blow off the exercise.
I’d eat a row of Oreos, or half a bag of chips.
And once I’d done that,
then I’d reached the fuck it stage.
Eh. I’ve already done so much damage today… what’s a few more cookies going to do?
I know what it’s like to keep saying,
Okay…tomorrow. I’ll start tomorrow.
So yeah.
Eight months ago, I got sick of that crap.
I made a decision.
for once,
I stuck to it.
And yesterday, I did something that I’ve been wanting to do for a very long time.
Yesterday, I did this:
I stood in front of a camera.
I felt good.
I felt pretty.
I felt like I was as attractive as the rest of my family for the first time in a long, long time.
For the first time ever, actually.
I felt like my husband could put his arm around me and feel really, really proud.
It’s nice to have that feeling.
Really nice.
You can have it too.
All you need to do is make the decision.
If you need some help, I will help you.
It’s not too late to register for Fit, Fierce and Fabulous.
But maybe you don’t have an issue with your weight or physical health.
Maybe you have some emotional things you need to deal with.
Maybe you are miserable in your career.
Whatever it is.
You can change it.
You can have the life you want.
It won’t be easy.
It will be hard.
You will have to work your ass off.
Speed bumps, detours, and delays will get in your way.
You may have to get creative and think outside the box.
That really awesome picture of my family? There’s no way I could afford it.
I bartered for it.
I got that session for free in exchange for some advertising.
Improvise, adapt and overcome.
Whatever it is, you can do it.
Sure, there will be times you want to quit.
But when you don’t,
and when you follow through,
that feels just as good as ultimately achieving your goal.
The lessons you learn along the way are as valuable as crossing the finish line.
How does that saying go?
Success is a journey, not a destination.
Make this be your day.
Even if it’s 12:30 p.m.
Or 4 in the afternoon.
Do it today.
Don’t let another minute go by, feeling bad or unhappy or unfulfilled.
You can do it.
Start your journey
Life is so much better when you are moving forward toward you goal. I promise you.
Now get your ass away from the computer.
You’ve got shit to do.
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Gorgeous family pic
good on you.
Awww. Thanks
Beautiful picture, beautiful family!
~ Heidi- GirltoMom.com
Thank you
Beautiful family!
Where the hell have you been, Momarchy Ladies?
AWWW!!! Gorgeous family! You look hoooottttttt!!!!