Exactly one year ago today my husband had a serious boogie boarding accident while we were on vacation in North Carolina.
It was another bullet item on the list of significant setbacks we had experienced in the last four years.
There was the bankruptcy.
Total knee replacement surgery.
Which put my husband out of work.
Then our house went into foreclosure.
And then our parents gave us a much needed vacation, where my husband had his boogie boarding accident which led to a serious injury and another major surgery.
That rendered my husband temporarily unable to work again.
We just seemed to keep getting slammed. And slammed. And slammed.
Then our luck seemed to turn.
My husband’s surgery and recovery went as well as we could have expected.
In November, he got a decent job that helped to seriously turn our financial situation around.
In April after several unsuccessful attempts, we were finally granted a modification on our mortgage and foreclosure proceedings on our house were stopped.
And then in June, out of nowhere, my husband was offered an even better job, and he started that about six weeks ago.
Things are going so well.
And what I realize is that I find myself saying This has got to end sometime soon.
Things are going too well.
I’m sabotaging myself.
Life is definitely full of ups and downs.
They are inevitable.
But the downs don’t have to make up the majority of your life.
Not unless I want them to.
I spent the first week of our vacation thinking Something bad has got to be coming. Things have been going too well. My husband and I haven’t had any fights. No one has gotten injured. When is the hammer coming down?
And then I thought,
Things are allowed to be going well.
I am totally winning right now!
And that’s totally okay. It’s okay for me to be happy. It’s okay for me to be successful. It’s okay for more things to be going right than going wrong.
My life is heading in the direction I’ve always wanted it to.
The life that I envision for myself and my husband and my kids is becoming more of a reality.
I definitely believe that what you put out there is what comes back to you.
I believe in the law of attraction.
I believe that if you are constantly just waiting for the next bad thing to happen, it won’t be long before the next bad thing happens.
We are on our last day of vacation down here.
I’m going to appreciate every last second of it.
It’s stupid to focus on the things that could possibly go wrong.
I was just talking to Number 4 about this.
Last year, on about the fifth day we were here, Number 4 got stung by a jellyfish.
She spent the rest of the vacation being nervous about getting stung.
This year as soon as we got to the beach, the first thing she said was “I don’t want to get stung by a jellyfish.”
And then three days ago, BOOM.
She got stung by another fucking jellyfish.
I’ve been coming down to North Carolina for thirty years.
In thirty years I have never ever been stung by a jellyfish. Neither have my parents.
Maybe it was just a (shitty) coincidence that Number 4 got stung two years in a row.
But I don’t think it was. I think she attracted it.
Who knows. Maybe Number 4 was just a pawn of the Universe.
Maybe the Universe used Number 4 to show me that what you put out there comes back to you.
Maybe not.
Either way, my eyes have been opened, I’m paying attention, and I’m done getting metaphorically stung.
No more attracting the lows.
No more waiting for the hammer to drop.
I deserve to live the life I’ve been dreaming about.
And I’m ready to start manifesting happiness.
Bring on the good stuff.
So happy to know that things turned around for you and the family. This is the perfect time to say, “Sit back and smell the roses.” When you are in good state of mind, you are able to tackle the challenges ahead.
Your story is really inspiring, you’re a brave woman!
I can’t believe the timming of this post, I just had a scary dream about the law of attraction. One of those dreams that you remember everything clearly.