We used to be one of those overboard families on birthdays and Christmas. Then we ran into major financial trouble, and we had to start seriously reassessing how we were doing things. This ultimately led to us adopting the Four Christmas Gift Rule. Then this past spring, a professional organizer helped me get my act […]
Mental Health
Clutter May Be Increasing Your Debt
If you are overwhelmed and in debt and feel like you are drowning and there is no help in sight, I can relate. But don’t give up hope! If you are willing to make some changes, you can definitely climb out of the hole. It won’t be easy, but it’s easier than what you are […]
The Relief is Real
Today I sent my baby off to kindergarten. It was a day I’ve been dreading for a long time. Even the thought of seeing her walk up the steps of the bus drove me to tears. Until about six weeks ago. This summer just destroyed me. And it wasn’t even a bad summer. Nobody got […]
4 hours + A Professional Organizer = HOLY SHIT!
Last Thursday Sue Duval, owner of the Organized Hive, came to my house to help me get my office situation figured out. We got about half of the floor and surface areas decluttered and organized. Today we tackled the other side of the office. It started out looking like this: Behind all that crap on […]
Being the older mom. I’m okay with it.
I have always been the “older” mom. I gave birth to Number 3 when I was thirty-five. Number 4 the day before my thirty-seventh birthday. Number 5 three months before I turned forty. Number 6 three months before I turned forty-one. And Number 7 when I was forty-two. And now, at forty-six, I am definitely […]
I’m not the sad fat person on the left.
So one of my goals is to help women, and moms in particular, to reclaim their inner badass. I think it’s so easy to lose this once you have kids. Initially, it’s kind of required. You need to make it all about the baby in the first few months. But sometimes the months turn to […]