The following people suck: 1.Anyone associated with the tv show Power Rangers Super Samurai. That is quite possibly the worst show ever to be put on television. Watching it could and should be used as some sort of consequence for any adult who commits a serious crime. Knowing you’d have to watch that show would make
What’s this?
Can you guess what this is? If you guess correctly, you wiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnn….. Well, you win nothing. But you still win 🙂 Post your answers in the comments section for this post 🙂
I’m no fool.
I was at Number 2’s baseball game last night and there was a woman there watching who hadn’t been at any of the other games. One of the other moms said to her, “See her? She has SEVEN kids. Can you believe it? SEVEN!?!?!?” Very often the next comment is something like, “One more, and you’ll be
squishy grapes
My kids love grapes, but they don’t love them so much when they aren’t totally firm. If we have a bunch of grapes that are losing their crispness, I throw them in the freezer. The kids love them, and freezing them somehow turns them into a treat. I also freeze bit-size chunks of watermelon. I did this
On my honor, I will try…
Number 4 had a Daisy meeting last night, and I am one of the co-leaders of the troop. We were supposed to be working on the “be a sister to every girl scout” petal. In reality, I bitched to the other moms pretty much the whole time while Number 4 wound the other girls up and talked
God, grant me the serenity…
Number 5 is providing me with an unending supply of concrete data to support the existence of the terrible twos. She is a case study in extremes. She’s either really great, or she totally sucks. And the ratio of great to sucks is about 1:4. I can’t take it anymore. She threw such a fit