The other day I was wasting time on Facebook and somehow I ended up reading an article entitled: 10 Qualities Your Future Husband Must Have.
It was full of things like a strong moral code, and a good relationship with his family, being selfless, respecting your femininity and other stupid bullshit like that.
Sure, I guess those things might be nice.
But I did some of my own research.
And by research I mean I asked a question on Facebook.
Now that all the scientific data has been collected from that very scientific Facebook poll I conducted, I have compiled a new and much more accurate list.
And here it is…
The 10 Qualities Your Future Husband Must Really Possess:
10. Ability
To locate things on his own.
Especially if they are in the refrigerator.
9. Understanding
That there is a correct way to load the dishwasher.
And it’s most likely not his way.
8. Awareness
That he better rinse his stubble off of that freshly cleaned sink.
7. Honesty
When has no idea what the plans for the weekend are, he must be willing and able to acknowledge that the reason why he is completely clueless is because you totally lost him at Honey…
6. Perseverance
He should not only be able to unwrap a roll of toilet paper, but also possess the drive to actually put it on the toilet paper holder.
5. Forethought
If there are plans for the whole family in the morning, he will get up at least an hour early and ask what he can do to help get the kids ready before you even have a chance to roll your eyes or sigh heavily.
4. Strength
To close the cabinet doors. And dresser drawers.
3. Communication
Between his eyes and his hands. And if he sees a piece of bologna on the floor, he should pick it up and put it in the garbage.
2. Intelligence
The understanding that we means I, and if he’s going to say we should really get the kids snowboots, he must be prepared to go buy them himself.
1. Attention to Detail
Because getting the dirty clothes close to the hamper just doesn’t count.
If you find a guy who possess all, or most, or even one of these qualities, well… congratulations.
Chances are he’s a keeper.
So true! I read this out loud and looked at my husband after each quality. (He knows I’m just joking though!) But seriously, Is it actually possible for a husband to help with the kids in the morning (#5)?
My love is sort of on hold but if I ever dip my toe in the water again now I know what to look for.
I followed/ commented on this post on facebook. Though we as women are not perfect (or as wives) it was nice to be able to see that every woman has a pet peeve and your not crazy to get upset about something that your husband does. I loved every part of this post/ survey!!!!
Sheesh! I’m an epic fail.
Does number 9 apply if I’m loading the dishwasher with car parts that need de-greasing? I would think in that instance, my way would take precedent.
Hmmm. that’s a tough one.
#10….I wish my husband can find things on his own. He has called and texted me many times…where is this? I had to change to “clear” storage containers in the fridge, because he won’t even open the lids to see what is in the container to eat!!!
1. Attention to Detail – Hey, I do the laundry every Saturday and I take out the trash every day it is due for pick up and I get scolded for little things like, leaving a cup in the sink. 🙂
… So, the day after i read this, i said to hubby, ‘I have just done something amazing and heroic. I changed a toilet paper roll. i know it’s an act of great complexity and daring because no one else in the house has ever managed to do it.’ He applauded and we laughed. Fast forward to this evening, when he marched into our bedroom and proudly announced that he, too, has managed to replace a toilet paper roll.
Thank you, Susie, for changing the world, one husband at a time!