Back when I was a teacher, I remember going on a field trip with my class. There was a mom chaperoning who was sitting across from me on the bus. She had on this v-neck t-shirt, and I was looking at the skin on her chest. It had some visible wrinkles in it. Not just […]
I poop! You poop! We all poop for one scoop!
When I grow up, I want to remember what it was like to be young. When I grow up, I want to remember how hard being a parent of young children was. When I grow up, I want to have an appreciation for my past. But also embrace the future. I want to stick to […]
Thriftshop, the AARP version.
I’m getting older. The signs are all there. It takes a good 5 or ten steps for me to get up off the couch and walk with no pain anywhere in my body. The recovery time for things I used to do without batting an eyelash has increased significantly. I have wrinkles. On my knees. […]
If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.
When I was little I always wanted crutches. I would see injured people hobbling around on those things and watch them enviously. My brother and I even went as far as jumping out of a tree in the backyard in an effort to break a leg so we could get some. It never worked, thank […]
Thirty-five is when you finally get your head together and your body starts falling apart. ~ Caryn Leschen
My parents were in the same kindergarten class. Can you imagine? They started dating when they were 14, and they were married by 20. You don’t see that happen too often anymore. Or ever. So when they were 24, I entered the picture. When I was a freshman in college, my parents were 41. The […]