When I grow up, I want to remember what it was like to be young.
When I grow up, I want to remember how hard being a parent of young children was.
When I grow up, I want to have an appreciation for my past.
But also embrace the future.
I want to stick to the simple things.
But acknowledge the need for the new, and more complex.
When I grow up, I want to have respect for other moms.
I want to have an admiration for they way they raise their children.
Even if it was different from the way my parents raised me.
Or from the way I raised mine.
When I grow up,
and someone posts a picture on facebook,
celebrating a milestone,
no matter how big,
or small,
or stupid,
I want to remember the joy,
and relief,
that something as simple as
taking a shit
can bring to a parent.
When I grow up,
and see that someone has celebrated a poop in the potty with a big WAAAAAAHOOOOOOOO and an ice cream celebration,
instead of
Good God! It’s come to this? Really? TMI. Our parents didn’t celebrate what was expected behavior and they certainly didn’t share or reward. This is Stupid.
I want to say,
How awesome!
What a lucky boy he is!
Why didn’t I think of that?
Ice cream? For pooping? GENIUS!!!
When I grow up,
I hope to be regarded as the patient, understanding, and wise, old sage.
Not the cranky, judgemental, and ignorant, old curmudgeon.
But that’s just me.
Now do you want that in a cone, or a cup?
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We literally have a party. I went to the dollar store and bought hats and noise blowers and bought little cheap grab bag stuff. We reuse the hats and blowers and every time there is a crap deposit in the crapper by my 3.5 yr old anyone home has to put on their hat and blow their blower. Then the little crapper gets to pick a toy out of the cheap toy bag. So far we have only had a couple poops in the toilet but he loves the celebration so hopefully it will work eventually. After cleaning up his poop for almost 4 yrs I will celebrate any time I don’t have to so the celebration is just as much for me. Congratulations on the shit going where it belongs! I will cross everything I can you get more “good”poopy days than “bad” poppy days.
Ya know what, ye ole Curmudgeon, your parents DID celebrate your first crap. There’s no way NOT to celebrate. Even if it wasn’t in the form of a prize or ice cream, what have you.. they DID celebrate, because they no longer had to clean the crap out of your underpants or change your diaper.. that in itself is an amazing gift to ANY parent. Don’t throw that bucket of ice water on parents who take joy WITH their child in their accomplishments, because yours were less expressive. #6 did an awesome job, as did Susie.. that is HARD WORK.. and this moment in time for both of them is just that much better! So yeah.. it has come to THAT. She’s proud of her kid. Get over it. Awesome job #6! I hope you enjoyed that ice cream! Cone Please!
Yeah #6! Good job. Still doing baby steps with Twin B. I can now get her to sit on the home toilet…sometimes. Enjoy these moments. It’s a victory for any mom to get her kid to go on the toilet. Good job, Susie!
What really amazes me, is that these people continue to comment. Do they not read past posts? Are they not aware that comments like that are going to get them skewered by your fans and more publicly, by you in a follow up blog post? Did they not read the first potty training post from a week or so ago? Did they really miss the whole #4 underwear/bible quoting lady? Where were they for the seat belt debate??
There are apparently that many people out there who just can’t keep their mouths shut. If you don’t have something nice to say…blah, blah, blah. There are so many people who just have to be mean. Who have to bring others down and slam what should be someone’s celebratory moment. Why? Why is that? Why do people have to open their mouths and spew all over someone else’s moment?
I also have to wonder if you edit those of us who post on your actual blog page, because as far as I’ve ever seen, everyone here is awesome. This is where your real fans follow you and where the people who have been around a while actually post our comments and support. I don’t post on your facebook account a whole lot. I like the pictures and random updates frequently, but this is where I put my comments.
I wish you could just ignore the haters. I hated reading that judgemental bullshit the first time! Using your energy to respond just gives that commenter attention and validation, neither of which she deserves.
When my daughter was potty trained, we had “Big Girl Weekend!” I am pretty sure we did more fun things that weekend then we have for all of her birthdays…combined! Hell yeah, celebrate!
Sometimes it takes all that I have, not to tell off certain “judgers.” As if they never had a kid scream its head off at a grocery story, or they never celebrated riding a bike without training wheels etc. If we as parents don’t celebrate these “little” things…then we have just taken away the sparkle that makes kids thrive!
I think parents now do a lot more celebrating of little things than they used to, I don’t necessarily think it’s a bad thing but at the same time some people take it too far. I know when my baby does everything we make a HUGE deal out of it!