Today is the first day of my e-course.
I’m a little nervous.
And really excited.
I have 38 members from all over the country WORLD!!!!
I have members in my first e-course from around the mother effing world.
Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, Alabama, Illinois, Nebraska, California,
Canada ,
the Phillipines
are all representing!
In the words of Macklemore and Ryan Lewis (if you don’t know what I’m talking about, read this)
That is f*cking awesome!
We have a “middle-aged mother of one who desires to be fit and fabulous. I’m already fierce. : )”
I love that.
We also have a woman who is “34 and planning my Oct 2013 wedding. We plan to start trying for a baby at the end of 2013.”
There is a “a grad student (meaning very little time and money) I am newly engaged and planning a wedding for Sept 2013!”
Two weddings! Woo hoo!
Then there is this mom…
“I’m from Manila, a wife and a mom to a 7yo boy. I used to be a fitness buff, going to the gym on a regular basis and joining fun runs. I used to call myself, a running mom… Hopefully, this e-course will help me get back in shape.”
All walks of life, and many parts of the world.
I’m kind of shocked.
And really psyched.
Last night Jamie sent me her pictures.
From her vacation.
How awesome is that?
She is on a mission.
She’s not letting anything,
even her vacation,
stop her.
So far, she’s lost 10 pounds.
But even better,
read what she wrote to me:
We r on vaca, so I’m not going to weigh myself on the scale here (figure theres too much variance between scales…. don’t want to be bummed over a stupid number) but I’m actually sticking to my workout routine and NOT hogging out!
…this is the first time in a looooooong time I have felt comfortable in a suit, thank u thank u thank u for making me get off my butt and do something! So excited to see what u have in store for us with ur FFF program! Can’t wait to start tomorrow!
That’s awesome.
So I’ve inspired Jamie.
She’s put in all the hard work, but I have helped to keep her motivated.
I can do the same for you too…
It’s not too late to register for Fit, Fierce, and Fabulous.
I think it’s going to be a lot of fun.
Hard work,
but fun.
If you haven’t already,
why don’t you join us?
Just look at the smile on Jamie’s face…
Maybe it’s because of the 10 pound weight loss.
Maybe it’s because she’s on vacation.
Maybe it’s because
(Thanks Pam).
Whatever the reason,
that smile’s gotta feel good.
Hey Jamie — keep it up!
You look awesome, and I can see the weight loss in your face now too.
Day 1
Day 42
Day 1
Day 42
Day 1
Day 135
Day 1
Day 135
All you need to do is click on the banner above to register a vote for me!
You can vote one time every 24 hours from every computer and cell phone! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!!! I really appreciate your support!
Check out and “like” the facebook page!
Follow me on Twitter @mom_not_average
That is very cool. Congratulations!
Know what I love most about these pictures? The way both of you are smiling in your after pictures! I see thinner, more fit bodies. But more importantly, I see happiness!