Since we had no school today I thought I was going to get a whole bunch of stuff done, but really all I did yesterday and today was drive kids to different play dates and swim practices. I got almost nothing done yesterday. Today was not looking much better, and at 9 a.m. I had […]
Self Care
I Love My Kids With The Intensity Of A Thousand Suns. But They Seriously F*cked Up My Body.
Have you been waiting and waiting and wondering when you would come across a blog post containing way too much information? WELL TODAY IS YOUR LUCKY DAY. Because I’ve got one for you. (If the word vagina bothers you, you may want to stop reading right now). When you are a young female in your […]
Cultivating My Inner Calm
Yesterday I shared that I am no longer willing to be disorganized. It’s not just the wasting of time trying to find things that is driving me crazy. It’s even more that clutter and the messes are making me angry. It literally puts me in a bad mood. If you’ve been around here for the […]
How Diversified Is Your Meaning Portfolio?
One of the things I love the most about this week in between Christmas and New Year’s is reflecting on the past year, reevaluating, and figuring out what parts of my life I really want to make better. And I am finding that the older I get, the more mindful I am of the quality […]
Five Months
I haven’t had any booze in five months. FIVE MONTHS. I’ve made it through the 4th of July and Labor Day and my birthday and my anniversary and Halloween and Thanksgiving. I’ve made it through other things, but that’s because I’ve just chosen not to attend them. Tonight all my favorite baseball moms are having […]
An Inside Job
Three months ago I committed to the daily practice of gratitude. At first, it did not feel normal. It was forced. It felt fake. But that saying Fake it til you make it is a saying for a reason, I guess. This daily gratitude practice isn’t a big time commitment. It takes maybe a minute or […]