Seven years ago I was in desperate need of a babysitter, and I put an ad out on I didn’t really expect anything to come from it, but I figured it was worth a shot. That one decision led to an eventual knock on our door from a beautiful, smart, funny, ballsy, super cool […]
Lessons I've Learned
Elizabeth Gilbert and David Goggins
I have two things I want to share with you. Both of them have been big sources of inspiration for me and given me some much-needed reminders. The first thing I want to share with you is a book I recently finished reading called Big Magic. It was written by Elizabeth Gilbert after she wrote Eat, […]
It’s Time To Make Another Deposit In The Bank Of Hard Sh*t
In four days I’m running the Hartford Marathon. I am not adequately trained for it. Not even close. I registered for this back in May, partially as a way to stay motivated to work out because I had gained quite a bit of weight over the last year and a half. I also registered for […]
I Tried Eliminating The Competition And It Totally Worked (Getting Your Kids to Eat Their Veggies Without A Fight)
Almost all the birthdays in our family fall in two major chunks. The first is the end of June to the beginning of July. There are four birthdays in that time. The second is the last two weeks of September and the first week of October. We also have four birthdays in that time. So […]
Vulnerability, The Universe, And Four Quarters
I am going through some stuff right now. Some really, really, REALLY hard stuff. I’m okay, but every part of me is being challenged. And this will be a figurative marathon really. There is no quick fix, no easy button, no get out of jail free card. The last few days have been particularly rough. […]
Our Girls Are Counting On Us
Okay Moms. We need to talk. And I say this as a reminder to myself more than I am saying it to anyone else. Let’s pause and be honest for a second. Consider this scenario. You and two of your friends are at the playground with your kids. None of you really have your sh*t […]