In working with women every day, I know one of the things that often holds us back from attempting new things or making changes or doing something we haven’t done in a long time – the biggest thing that often holds us back – is fear. Fear of failure. Fear of judgment. And fear of […]
Lessons I've Learned
50,000 Opportunities
Did you know we average like 50,000 thoughts a day? That’s more than 2000 thoughts an hour. And experts estimate that 70% of these thoughts are negative. That’s a lot of f*%$ing negative thoughts! The good thing about this is that you get to choose what thoughts you believe. Let’s say someone who has never […]
They’ll Do It When They Are Ready
Most of you know I was serious swimmer all the way through college, and then after college I started coaching swimming. Actually, I started coaching in the summers at a country club while I was still in college. And over the past 30 years I’ve coached in some capacity at some level. I’ve been an […]
Are Your Rules Still Serving You?
If lack of motivation, lack of time or multiple failed attempts are holding you back from making changes in 2021, my FREE challenge will fix that. Register NOW! Sometimes you start doing something with a specific goal in mind, and then you end up going in a totally different direction. Sometimes you have an idea […]
More Lessons From Number 4
If lack of motivation, lack of time or multiple failed attempts are holding you back from making changes in 2021, my FREE challenge will fix that. Register NOW! Number 4 still FaceTimes me just about every day. But now that school is busier and swim practices have started and she’s made lots of friends, we […]
If lack of motivation, lack of time or multiple failed attempts are holding you back from making changes in 2021, my FREE challenge will fix that. Register NOW! Today was hard. Really hard. Like I-don’t-think-I-can-do-this hard. Run away hard. Numb-yourself-with-food hard. Snap-at-your-kids-and-project-your-anger/frustration/worries/fears onto them hard. Doubting yourself hard. Questioning everything hard. Complete-and-total-overwhelm hard. Fetal-position hard. […]