Marit’s 12th birthday was a little over a week ago. She and Ingrid have fall birthdays that are usually on a school day, so I always give them the option to take the day off of school and do something fun. Her birthday was on a Thursday, and she wanted to go to school that
54 Things I Learned in my 54th Year: #50 – I’m Ready to Live Like A Grandma
This past summer a country club pool director position opened up at a club about 35 minutes from my house, and I decided to give it a go. The club had cleaned out its entire pool staff, and not only was I was able to hand pick my lifeguard staff, but Kristofer and Ingrid were
Thank God It’s Not The Big C
Last Tuesday I woke up around 1 am with excruciating abdominal pain. Within ten minutes I was completely drenched with sweat from head to toe, writhing around in agony on my bathroom floor. I have never in my life experienced pain like that. It was horrible. The pain subsided somewhat, but definitely didn’t disappear. I
54 Things I Learned in my 54th Year: #51 A Year In The Life is Spot On
(this post is full of Gilmore Girls spoilers, so consider yourself warned) The first time I watched Gilmore Girls was five or six years ago with Ingrid. She was super into it for a while, but after Rory graduated from college she kind of lost interest, and she abandonded me for Grey’s Anatomy, so I
54 Things I Learned In My 54th Year: #52 The Climb
I’ve spent my life chasing results, impatiently anticipating that one, final, magical achievement that would give me the admiration and confidence and validation and respect I believed would follow. Until this year, I had no idea how results-driven I was or how exhausting and impossible this way of thinking and living is. This constant pursuit
54 Things I Learned in my 54th Year: #53 The Mirror
I remember when I was younger – like in my late teens – and my mom and I had just pulled into the parking lot of Caldor. My mom found a parking spot and as she was getting out of the car she caught a glimpse of her reflection and said “I haven’t even looked