I started writing this post but it was kind of sounding like a third grader’s narrative story with a whole bunch of thoughts and details that aren’t really all that interesting or pertinent to the story really.
So let me start again and be as to the point as I can be.
Six years ago I started exercising because I hated my body.
Now I exercise because I love it.
Without my body, I am basically f*cked.
I have five kids who are still living at home to take care of and keep up with, and if I’m going to be totally honest, I am hoping that at some point they all leave the house, and when that glorious (okay, I’ll be sad at first but then I think I’ll be pretty happy) day arrives, I’m gonna want to be able to do EVERYTHING I can do now.
I was listening to Oprah’s podcast with Tom Brady the other week and he was talking about how he takes care of his body because his body is his asset.
I may not depend on my body the way Tom Brady does to make a living, but it’s still pretty high up there on the list of things I need to live the life I want to live.
So that’s why I exercise.
I also exercise because afterward I feel really good. I feel great physically and I feel emotionally AWESOME.
I exercise because when my day starts off with exercise I am about 5000% more efficient and disciplined in every other area of my life than when it doesn’t.
I exercise because I sleep like a log when I do. Not that I have all that much trouble sleeping these days, but still. It doesn’t hurt.
I exercise because it’s one of those do-as-I-do lessons for my kids, and I want them to realize their bodies are also their biggest assets.
I exercise because when I do I learn how tough I am physically, and then I push myself more than I think I can.
Like this past October when I ran the Hartford Marathon after only training for seven weeks.
If I can run a marathon on less than 50 days of training, I can pretty much handle anything.
David Goggins, a Navy Seal and ultra runner and serious f*cking badass who is also totally my idol calls this the cookie jar.
These experiences are cookies in the cookie jar.
And when he is struggling mentally with something, he goes to the cookie jar.
He pulls out a memory of something super challenging or shitty he made made it through to remind himself that he can get through anything.
You know what requires a big ass cookie jar?
You need a shit ton of cookies to get through so many parenting moments.
And exercise TOTALLY helps me get through those.
I am realizing the past five years of consistent exercising have really filled up my cookie jar!
Which brings me to the last reason why I love exercise that I’ll share right now (because there are more).
Exercise has helped me to rediscover that I am a badass.
I can do anything.
I really can.
But I’m not any different than anyone else.
You are also a badass.
But I think motherhood can sometimes make us forget about our badassity.
It’s still there though!
It just might be buried a little bit.
So anyway, since I have come to see exercise as something I do because I love my body, I wanted to make sure I worked out yesterday.
And I wanted to work out extra because I wanted to eat.
So I woke up and stayed with my routine and did the LIIFT 4, Week 6 Chest and Triceps workout.
Side note, I have NEVER made it to six weeks in any of those programs. I made it to week 4 twice in P90X and I made it to week three in 80 Day obsession, so this is kind of a big deal for me because I am GOING TO FINISH THIS ONE IF IT KILLS ME.
Which it won’t. Because I’m getting a lot stronger.
Anyway, that a was third grade story telling tangent.
Back to the point.
I was originally going to run a Turkey Trot 5K yesterday but a sick kid and forgetting to register and a few other things put a damper on those plans, so instead I decided I’d do a 6 mile run on my own.
Then it was late and I hadn’t started, and I had to get the turkey in and then once the turkey was in I had to baste it, and I wouldn’t have an hour+ chunk of time.
So you know what I did?
I put the turkey in the oven.
I ran a two mile loop.
I stopped back at my house, took the turkey out of the oven, and basted it.
I put the turkey back in the oven.
I ran a different two mile loop.
I stopped back at my house, took the turkey out of the oven, and basted it.
I put the turkey back in the oven.
I ran a different two mile loop.
I stopped back at my house, took the turkey out of the oven, and basted it.
And six miles was done!
Running on Thanksgiving is awesome.
You know why?
Because nobody is out on the roads, and it’s quiet and peaceful and calm.
It was a great Thanksgiving!!!
The healthiest one I’ve ever had.
I have to tell you.
I NEVER thought that getting up and doing a strength training workout and then doing 30 minutes on the elliptical (oh yeah, I forgot to mention that before) and then running 6 miles on Thanksgiving day would be like my ideal Thanksgiving.
But it totally was!!!
It has been a long gradual process to get here.
And I have learned so much about myself in the process.
Which brings me to my big news.
I am very excited about this.
For the first time ever, I am offering an annual Not Your Average Fitness Course membership.
It’s all seven of my Not Your Average Fitness Courses – the totally are NOT your average fitness courses — plus some freebies — 365 Days of guidance and support and inspiration and encouragement from ME in your inbox.
Every single day of 2019.
And you can get this for a ridiculously low price because from now through Monday , November 26th at midnight.
You can get all the details here.
I can help you (re)discover your inner badassity.
2019 is going to be an amazing year!
You’re a swim coach. And a former swimmer. I get the running “thing” cause it does help with weight loss….
But … what about swimming?? To swim well is a gift from God! Not many of us can do it. But for those of us who can…we should be promoting it. No knee, back, ankles etc issues.
Ok, yes, there are some shoulder/ rotator cuff issues … but that is the minority of this audience..
Swimming energizes me. I am more likely to run well after swimming 3000 than I am if I just got up and “went for a run”. So interested in your thoughts on this … am I wrong? Or just some swimming freak?
P.S. I never swam in college. My university was D1—so I never even tried out since I assumed they only took club team kids ..here is the funny thing… one of my fellow masters swimmers was on our college team (I didn’t know her back then) And was slower than me
In masters meets..which makes me wonder how well I might have done in college if I only had confidence in myself…
I was back on the swimming wagon, and then I fell off. I enjoy it once I’m done (and sometimes while I’m doing it). One of the biggest issues for me is the time commitment. Swimming for an hour means driving to the pool, getting changed, swimming, getting changed again, and coming home. So an hour of swimming is a two hour time commitment. But running I can literally just walk out the door and get it done. An hour of running means an hour of my time.
I need to swim with a group of people. Then I really enjoy it more and will stay on track. The masters group at my pool doesn’t work for me.
And I also really do enjoy running and the challenges of it. I love being outside. I love 5K races. I love marathons. And I want to be competitive in triathlons next summer, and if I want to do that, I seriously need to up my running game. 🙂
If you quit eating that turkey, it’s massively easy to maintain your weight. People who are sick from diabetes, heart disease, obesity, MS, some forms of cancer…..all find their symptoms either reduced or eliminated entirely when they drop the animal products and replace them with beautiful veggies, fruits, nuts and legumes.