Every year my town holds the same 4 road races.
Last year I did all 4 of them.
Not very quickly, but I did them all.
So far, I have run in all the races that have been held this year.
With 6 of them under my belt now, I have learned that there is a “regular” crowd that participates in these races.
There are three moms I know who are always there.
We are all about the same age.
I’m not great friends with them, but I know I will see them there.
Last year, they all kicked my ass in every race.
By a lot.
And I remember thinking last year that the chances of me ever beating any of them were pretty slim.
Nonexistent, really.
Last year I ran the Mother’s Day 5K and my time was 30:31.
In March this year I ran a race that followed the same course, and my goal was to break 30 minutes.
My time was 28:30.
And that was after taking 2 spin classes that morning, so I was pretty happy.
But all those moms still beat me.
Yesterday, my goal was to break 28 minutes.
Usually there are mile markers along the way, so I keep an eye on my watch to make sure I’m on track to meet my goal.
I didn’t see the mile markers yesterday, so I didn’t really know how fast I was running.
I usually hold back a little so I don’t die at the end.
But not yesterday.
I checked my watch once at about the halfway point.
And then I just went for it.
Balls to the wall.
I had nothing left at the end.
But I crossed the finish line in just under 26:30.
1:30 faster than my goal.
4 minutes faster than a year ago.
I went and got a water.
I found my husband and my kids.
The kids knew there were doughnuts inside, and they were anxious to go get some.
I had some friends who were running, so I told the kids we’d go get doughnuts after I saw my friends finish.
We stood by the finish line and waited for my friends.
And that’s when I saw one of the moms cross the finish line.
One of those three moms.
That I knew I would never be able to beat.
Big time.
And it wasn’t a goal of mine.
I hadn’t even thought about it really.
It never crossed my mind that I would ever even be in front of her.
But I didn’t just beat her.
I pretty much destroyed her.
I couldn’t believe it.
Fuck those.
They give out awards for the top 3 finishers in each age group at these races.
I NEVER thought I’d be able to get one of those.
Until yesterday.
Next year when they call out those names,
Susie Johnson is for damn sure going to be one of them.
You can do it People.
Whatever it is,
And when you do,
it’s going to feel really,
Eye on the prize Girls.
Keep your eye on the prize.
38 days till summer 🙂
Who’s gonna take my e-course?
Fit, Fierce, and Fabulous, registration opening soon!
Day 1
Day 29
Day 1
Day 29
Jamie had a crazy Mother’s Day, and couldn’t get her pictures to me this morning…You’ll have to wait until next week to see her progress!
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Lookin good, Susie!
I’m expecting those abs to pop out any now.
If you’re so worried about your kids inhaling second hand smoke why are you letting them eat donuts? Sugar is very harmful and very addictive. They’re both good to stay away from.
Hmmm. When I was on the American Cancer Society’s website, I didn’t see anything about eating a doughnut approximtely once every 6 months causing cancer.
Give me a break, B.
Are you telling me you don’t eat any sugar, or you’ve never had a doughnut?
By the way, do you have kids?
I love it! Your blog is hilarious! We are an American military family of 6 living in Italy. I can’t imagine the sheer terror we would inflict on the world if there were any more of us! Thanks for making me laugh!