I put in more time working out this week than any other week.
Over 1200 minutes of cardio.
That doesn’t include the 4 strength training classes.
And you know what?
I didn’t lose one single pound.
I’m exhausted.
I am 3/4 of the way through Lose to Win.
8 weeks down, 4 to go.
Clearly there is a difference in my body.
I even unearthed a tricep muscle.
But the number on the scale is pissing me off.
And on a scale of 1 to 10, my desire to workout is about a -5 today.
Getting out of these pajamas is going to be hard.
Really hard.
I could use a little motivation.
If you’ve got some to spare, could you send it my way?
Until then, I’ll be repeating this all day:
Day 1
Day 57
Day 1
Day 57
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So you did your normal workouts and added extra classes? Your body thinks you hurt it again. Its saving water to “fix” the muscles you broke. Try to drink extra water. It will help flush the water already in your system (makes no sense but apparently there is some type of science behind it). Have you taken recent measurements? There are people who start a weight loss/health journey and end up being significantly smaller size wise but weigh more than when they started….its all about the muscles. You lose the fat….add muscles…you lose girth but gain “weight” (or at least don’t lose them off the scale)
Inspirational thought? You look fricken amazing…..and Im jealous.
I am a recent follower to your blog. Love all the entries but I really look forward to your Monday photos to see your great progress! I am living vicariously through you and hope to be motivated by your will, determination and great results to start working out again! Don’t let this little plateau get you down – it is temporary! Happy Monday! You look amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi, So I haven’t had the scale move in 6 months but I have lost 4 pants sizes. FRUSTRATING as hell. but remember a square inch of muscle weighs more than a square inch of fat so of course you are going to hit those walls. You are doing amazing things for your body. Be patient.
start measuring inches around your thighs, waist and and upper arms (i wish i had done that sooner!) keep up the good fight!! drink your water. It gets better
Look how amazing you look in the day 57 pics!!! Half your body is gone!!!! Don’t get frustrated…..
You can do this!
Ra-ra and all that shit.
Have I told you lately how much I hate you?
If you stop working out and get fat again I won’t hate you as much anymore.
You look great. Don’t get discouraged. The Day 57 picture is worth a thousand words.
Years ago, (before kids) I was really into running. I watched what I ate and the scale never moved. I was really getting down. One day I put on a pair of jeans that were always tight (in the bottom of the drawer and hardly touched in years) and guess what….they slid on like nothing and they were actually a little loose! That was proof that all my hard work was paying off.
Your body IS changing. Don’t let the number on the scale measure your success.
Thanks Irene. I wouldn’t be as bothered by the scale if percentage of weight loss wasn’t one of the categories in Lose to Win. You know, that competitive part of me wants to win that category or at least be up at the top. It’s not really important in the big picture though. Still, it’s hard for me to remember that sometimes
How about working out today but doing something lighter? Like a walk or some streching. It sounds like you need to rest a bit. Do not worry about the weight, if you are working out you are building your muscles and they weight too. Just by looking at the pictures I can see that you are losing fat and that is what matters. Keep the faith dear, nobody said that it was going to be easy but it’s sure worth it. Remember how you felt last week when someone complimented you? Go back to that place and I’m sure you’ll get through this low feeling day.
try crossfit or HIIT… it shoulf help.
best of luck
I don’t think I can add anything on to what I am doing right now, but maybe when this Lose to Win thing is done I’ll switch it up a little. What’s HIIT? And what exactly is crossfit? I see people talking about it all the time, but don’t know exactly what it is. Looks like it’s a butt-kicker though…
I see a huge difference. Forget the scale. My friend is a body builder (not the type that gets a tun of muscle and looks like a man, but the kind that does bikini modeling) and she said after working out for a month and a half in the beginning she lost 1 pound!! Just one! Your body is gaining muscle and so that weighs more than fat. You look fabulous and soon the scale will show you the number you want to see. Keep it up!!!
Thank you! I know there’s a big difference in my body. I’ve been watching too much Biggest Loser. I just want to step on the scale and see a big, ten pound drop.
Look, you got me to the gym yesterday. So at least there’s that!
Yay! Good for you
Your scale is BROKE! Seriously..
No, I think Jeffa is right. Muscle weighs more than fat. It’s quite obvious that SOMETHING is happening. Keep it up. You’ve inspired me to have a lunch date with Jillian Michaels today.