Six or seven years ago I started running an online course for women called Not Your Average Fitness Course.
It was fairly successful but I admittedly had no idea what the f*ck I was doing back then.
I suppose we could all say that about ourselves when we first started something.
In fact, a friend of mine from high school just post on Facebook that he found an old VHS tape of his first stand up gig and that it was horrible and should never be seen by anyone. Ever.
Anyway, I have learned a lot over the years, and Not Your Average Fitness Course is now called BACE CAMP.
BACE stands for Become A Consistent Exerciser.
It is my experience and my philosophy and belief that you need to move your body daily in order to really be your best version of yourself.
It keeps your head clear and it keeps your parts working.
It helps with depression and anxiety and quality of sleep and being more productive in general.
Not Your Average Fitness Course started out really as a weight loss course.
It was not manageable or sustainable at all. My expectations were a little ridiculous.
And I didn’t know anything about how to develop new habits in a way that is manageable and will last.
So Not Your Average Fitness Course evolved and as it evolved, so did it’s purpose.
It’s not a weight loss course.
It’s a start-taking-care-of-yourself-and-owning-your-shit course.
It’s completely doable. It’s completely flexible. It works for everyone.
It’s not me ramming some workouts down your throat.
It’s me helping you figure out what works for you and your situation and your schedule and then giving you guidance and tools and encouragement (or a kick in the ass — whatever you appear to need at the moment) to help you establish new habits in a way you can sustain FOREVER.
BACE CAMP will be open for registration on November 2.
But the MINI BACE CAMP Experience is open for registration NOW.
The Mini BACE CAMP Experience is a 5 day mini course which teaches you the basic framework that’s covered in BACE CAMP.
It will teach you everything you need to know over the course of 5 days.
It’s totally manageable and you have lifetime access.
It’s not about kicking your ass.
It’s about helping you invest in yourself before you invest in everyone else with nothing left over for you.
It’s about setting boundaries and figuring out what is really holding you back.
And it’s about helping you get started so you can enter 2021 with some momentum and a couple tools in your back pocket to help keep you on track.
I’d love to have you join me.
There are five daily lessons and five FB live training that you can access at any time.
You have lifetime access to the course.
And when you join the Mini BACE CAMP Experience, you’ll get a discount when you decide to join BACE CAMP.
And chances are, once you participate in the Mini BACE CAMP experience, you’re gonna want to continue.
Check it out.
Click here and join me.
It’s gonna be a fun week!
I’ve got this shit perfected, People!
It’s taken me a few years, but I know what works. And I know how to create a safe, non judgmental, non competitive place for you to figure your stuff out in.
We start on Monday, November 2.
Still not sure?
Here’s what one Mini BACE CAMP and BACE CAMP graduate and current HOME BACE member had to say a couple days ago:

This can be you!
Come spend the week with me. I help you feel fan-fucking-tastic, too.

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