I ran 20 miles on Saturday.
The first 16 miles were great. I felt awesome.
At 13 miles, a friend who is also running the NYC marathon (and is training for an iron man triathlon next year), ran past me.
He told me I looked strong. It gave me a little confidence boost.
About a mile later, another friend drove by in his car.
He slowed down and said hi.
“14 miles, Mothereffer!” I yelled.
I was feeling good.
And then I got to mile 17.
And the bottom of a big hill.
I hadn’t planned my route out very well, and at mile 17 I ended up with a mile stretch that I’d never run before, and it was all up hill.
I ran out of gas.
My hamstrings and calves cramped up so badly that I had to walk.
I could adjust my route and go straight home. Then I’d do 18 1/2 miles in total.
Who would know? Who would know that I didn’t really do the whole 20 miles?
I would.
So, the last 3 miles, I walked.
Then I ran.
I ran for 100 steps.
Then I’d walk.
Then run for 100 more steps.
Then walk.
I did that until I got to 20 miles.
It wasn’t pretty.
But I did it.
It wasn’t near as fast as I wanted.
But I did it.
It wasn’t the way I had originally envisioned it would go.
And that was the one I had the hardest part with.
I think that’s the thing I have the hardest part with in general.
Setting up expectations for something,
and when everything doesn’t go according to plan,
getting upset.
Wanting to throw in the towel.
And sulk.
But life doesn’t work that way.
Things almost never go according to that ideal, mythical plan.
Yesterday my husband and I went to a flea market after working our asses off for 2 straight weeks.
We envisioned things going one way. Selling all of the things we had created. Making some money. Maybe even making a lot of money.
We didn’t make any money.
In fact, we had to pay $100 to get in, so we actually lost money.
It would be easy to get angry.
To say fuck it.
But now it will be more rewarding to find another way.
I think we sometimes get wrapped up in how we get to that endpoint.
In telling ourselves that it is supposed to happen in one particular way.
I guess I had to be smacked in the face a couple times this weekend.
I thought I’d be a better person because I could say I did it one way when really, I’m much stronger now because I didn’t.
Enjoy the journey, People.
Even the sucky parts.
Especially the sucky parts.
Meghan is nearing the end of her weight loss journey here…
Week 1
Week 11
Week 1
Week 11
Anybody want to start a journey of their own here on the blog? I’m ready for the third success story! Who’s going to take that first big step to success?
I’d love to go on that journey with you.
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Meghan looks fabulous! I have never been someone who is a big distance runner but your words caused me to think “if I had that mentality I could do it.” If I let myself accept that sometimes you do not need to meet your expectations 100% it is okay!
Thanks for this!