I have been involved in the sport of swimming since I was ten years old. I swam for a small club team when I started, moved to a very competitive Y team in middle school, swam varsity all four years of high school, and swam for a Division I team in college where I was […]
Next Stop, Webster, New York
As you all know, I spent this past weekend at a pretty big swim meet with Number 3 and Number 4. And at this meet, it was Number 4’s goal to swim well enough to qualify for an even bigger meet where the best of the best on the East Coast swim called Zones. She […]
I Hope Dreams Really Do Come True
As many of you know, Number 4 is a pretty good swimmer. She’s got lots of natural talent, plus a body that was made for the sport. That’s part of the reason she’s a good swimmer. But the bigger part is that she also loves it. Last night as we were driving home from practice, […]
Swimming 101
Swimming is one of the best gifts you can give your body. It’s a great cardio workout, but it’s also much gentler on your body than running is, and it works your entire body. I know if you aren’t a swimmer, getting in the pool for the first time can be a pretty intimidating thing. […]
Comfort Zones Are For Wimps
I first joined the swim team when I was ten years old. I wasn’t good — at all — but I loved it. By the time I got to high school, I was fairly decent. I was All-State my sophomore, junior, and senior year. I swam at Lehigh all four years. I was one of […]
Number 4’s debut and a new feature on the blog!
A month or so ago I wrote a post declaring that I wanted to start reading again. Before I had kids I used to read all the time. Then the kids came, and they kept coming, and I didn’t have the time or the desire or the energy to read anything for a sustained period of […]