Today was dentist appointment day at our house.
Four of the kids had back to back appointments from 10am to 12:30pm, and then the last appointment was Number 4’s at 2:45.
We got home from Number 4’s appointment pretty quickly.
And when I walked into the kitchen, I saw this:
Number 5 and Number 7 decided to make some homemade pizza.
I had never done this with them, so I was a little surprised.
You know where they got the idea from?
Tik Tok.
I complain about Tik Tok because of all the dumb sh*t that’s on there, but there is actually some halfway decent content on there.
Anyway, they just kinda winged it.
They didn’t have a recipe or anything — they threw some flour and water together and rolled it out and then put some sauce and cheese on top and it was good to go.
It came out pretty good.
They realized after the first try they needed salt in the dough.
So they made another pizza.
That one was a little bit better, but the dough was still missing something and it wasn’t really crispy enough.
I suggested they Google a recipe but they didn’t want to do that.
They wanted to figure it out on their own.
So they are currently working on pizza number 4 as I write this.
I don’t know how many tries it will take them to figure it out.
But I don’t mind.
The other kids said the pizza was good.
And now I don’t have to make any dinner.
So it’s a win for all of us.
You have created independent women…congratulations!