We had a snow day on Friday and then an early dismissal due to snow today, so my schedule is a mess and I’m exhausted, so this is going to be quick.
It’s been four weeks since I committed to this weight loss competition.
I do not have any problem exercising. It’s a regular part of my routine.
When I don’t get to work out, I’m a cranky beeotch, and I really look forward to that time.
But the other day, Number 3 said to me, “Mom… when do you eat?”
Now clearly I eat. Plenty.
But the fact that Number 3 rarely sees me eat kind of disturbed me, and it made it glaringly clear that I’ve got to change my eating habits.
I never sit down to eat with the kids.
I stand in the kitchen with them while they eat, and sometimes I pick at stuff while they are eating.
But most nights I get them fed and then get them into bed and then come into the office to do work and then I go downstairs and I eat dinner on the couch while I watch whatever show I’m binge watching on Netflix (which is Friday Night Lights at the moment).
At like 11:00.
That’s not good.
It’s easy for moms to get into this habit, I think. Maybe not so bad as mine, but weeknights are so hectic, and you are worrying about taking care of everyone else and getting them fed, and then you just want to get everyone into bed, and you neglect to eat your own dinner.
And then you find yourself in this routine and you forget what it was like to even have a civilized meal.
So I’m just putting it out there.
I need to start sitting down and eating when the kids eat.
And that would be easier if my dining room table wasn’t piled high with a whole bunch of crap.
It makes it glaringly obvious to me how clutter affects so many areas of my life.
It affects how the kids do in school.
It affects how much time I waste looking for shit I can’t find.
And it effects my eating habits and my waistline.
I’m seeing gradual changes in my body.
But they’d be much easier to maintain if I changed my eating habits.
So I’m gonna work on that. I’ll let you know how it goes next Monday.
Totally agree! I only have one kid, and she is little, yet I too noticed that I mostly make her food and feed her and do not sit down to eat properly! I finish my food while doing things around the house. Should kill this habit at the root! Thanks for pointing it out and gluck