Every year Number 5 and 6’s school does this 26-Days-Of-School-Left countdown where each day has a theme which is related to a letter of the alphabet.
You start with “A” day and work your way down to “Z” day on the last day of school.
Number 5 is the girliest of my girls, and she is big time into fashion.
Just like this year, last year’s “E” day was Elegant Day.
Wear your finest clothes today.
Of all the special days, that one was made for Number 5.
Of course, of all the special days, that was also the one I totally forgot about.
And Number 5 went to school wearing leggings and a t-shirt and all of her friends had on their fanciest dresses.
She exited the bus after school in hysterics and was pissed at me all the way through “Z” day, for the next 21 days.
I knew I had scarred her for life. Seriously. This would be one of those, Mom, remember when I was in first grade and it was elegant day and you totally forgot and I was the only kid in the WHOLE SCHOOL who didn’t get to do it?
This year’s countdown started yesterday.
I made sure I marked E day on the calendar, and I said to Number 5, “I put E day down on the calendar so I don’t forget it like last year. “
She stared blankly at me.
“Remember last year when I forgot it was elegant day and you were so upset?” I asked her.
“What are you talking about?” she said.
“Don’t you remember???” I asked her.
“Mom. I have no idea what you are even talking about,” she said.
So I’m just sharing this in case you have recently beat yourself up over some (seemingly) major mom fail.
I literally lost sleep over forgetting about f%&@ing Elegant Day last year.
And Number 5, the girl who is like an elephant (she never forgets), has no recollection of it at all.
Whatever your fuck up was, don’t sweat it.
A year from now, your kid probably won’t even remember it. And even if she does, it’s gonna take more than that to send her directly into years of therapy.
You are doing a great job.
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