So to celebrate the last day of summer,
I did a mud run yesterday.
And I didn’t do it alone.
Number 1 did it too.
So did Number 2.
And Number 3.
And Number 4.
My dad, even did it with us.
We ran.
Go Papa!
We climbed.
Go Papa!
We crawled.
Go Papa!
We got dirty,
and we had fun.
Number 3 was pretty psyched to do something so grown up with his big brothers.
And his Papa.
How cool is that?
How many kids can say they did a mud run with their grandpa?
I had fun with Number 4.
according to this guy from the Yes network,
was the “star of the race.”
Such a star, in fact, that he took a little video clip of her, which he said,
“would definitely make the cut for the show.”
Apparently she’s going to close out a show on the network called The Running Show.
It premieres on September 7th… Look for her then.
We celebrated at the end with some dancing.
Number 4 busted out all the moves.
What a great day.
I can’t say for sure, but I think at 6 years old and and 68 years old,
Number 4 and my father may have been the youngest and the oldest people entered in the whole thing.
And I’ve created a monster.
My dad wants to do another one.
Next month.
I guess the apple really doesn’t fall far from the tree
And now for the Meghan update:
Down another couple pounds, down to pre-baby #2 weight, and starting to really notice a change in her body!
Day 1
Day 29
Day 1
Day 29
Get moving people!!!
Day 1
Day 229
Day 1
Day 229
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Love that you’re showing your kids that fitness can be fun at such a young age!