If you are four and you can’t find your bunny, that is a good reason to cry.
If you are four and you can’t take your shirt off, that is a good reason to cry.
If you are four and your brother looks at you, that is a good reason to cry.
If you are four and your ponytail looks stupid, that is a good reason to cry.
If you are four and your sister sits on your stool, that is a good reason to cry.
If you are four and your big sister “hates you”, that is a good reason to cry.
If you are four and your brother sits in your spot on the couch, that is a good reason to cry.
If you are four and your mom says you have to fold some clothes, that is a good reason to cry.
If you are four and you can’t get your boot off, that is a good reason to cry.
If you are four and it’s ten a.m. and you haven’t cried for all of the above reasons already, that is a good reason to cry.
If you are four and your sock is twisted, that is a good reason to cry.
If you are four and your chocolate milk isn’t chocolatey enough, that is a good reason to cry.
If you are four and someone moves your “baby”, that is a good reason to cry.
If you are four and your mom didn’t put the correct number of goldfish on your plate, that is a good reason to cry.
If you are four and your mother makes you lunch, that is a good reason to cry.
If you are four and your mother doesn’t make you lunch, that is a good reason to cry.
If you are four and you do anything, ever, that is a good reason to cry.
And if you are a mom and your daughter is four?
That is definitely a good reason to cry, too.
Look cute while you manage the chaos. Click here.
I can sympathize but in my case it’s:
if you are six and you don’t get your way about anything anytime anywhere in front of anyone, that is a good reason to have a full blown, total melt down, kicking and screaming in the floor.
Instead of crying I just drink wine 😉
Good luck to you!
No joke!! My daughter turned 4 in September and OMG. Thank his she is so darn cute and fun to dress up!! I keep asking my husband is she 8 yet??
OMG.. you just described 2 YEAR OLD to a TEE!!! I REALLLLY hope this doesnt last until shes four!! One of us may not survive.. lol
I completely understand, I really do. The four year old in my house is our youngest son and he is very difficult lately. He whines at just about everything and if he doesn’t get his way throws a fit. The only thing that gets his attention so he’ll behave is taking away his “Moosey”. I have often felt like crying myself, please say this is just a stage.
I have a son who is 4, and I can relate. But in most cases, I would change the sentiment to “If you are four & _________ that is a good reason to punch someone & call them stupid.”
Yes! Must be a boy thing. My soon to be 4 year old boy is definitely more into punching than crying.
I am a Mom of 4 and I teach Pre-Kindergarten, as well, so I have a class of 15 4 year olds. I will add to your list, “If you’re 4 and your teacher doesn’t fall for your fake illness routine, that is a reason to cry…..” It’s amazing how many MIRACULOUS recoveries little ones have when you suggest they would have to miss recess if they’re ill. Then we both cheer because being sick is just terrible anyway. 🙂 Also, if you’re 4 and you can’t take your penis out of your pants because it’s HOT in there and it needs some air…..that’s a reason to cry too. I’m sure you already know these facts, but thought I’d share anyway.
Hey there! Just love the last two lines. I was going to say as a mother of two there is a good reason to cry! Keep up your funny and accurate stories!
I’m glad other mom’s put in that it applies to their two year old’s too, because all the way through I was thinking ‘yep that’s Alice, yep, that’s Alice.’
It’s very scary to know that this is going to continue for two more years…
Also, if you are five.
Yes Jill,
If you are five…:)