On Friday I shared that I’ve given myself the goal — or challenge — to write a post every day in December.
This was kind of a lofty goal since it’s the holidays and also because I was at a three day swim meet with Number 4, 5 and 7 in Long Island, sharing a hotel room with them, sleeping on an air mattress, shuttling kids back and forth from the hotel to the pool from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m., watching the kids swim, and also coaching.
So I wrote a post from the bathroom floor of my hotel room on Friday night and then yesterday I thought it was possible to die from exhaustion, and I just didn’t get a post written.
Now it’s 11:25 p.m. on Sunday night, we got home about 90 minutes ago, I had to get everyone into bed and get stuff unpacked and talk to my parents who took care of Number 6 all weekend but dammit, I am not missing another day.
And not many people will even see this because I’m writing it so late on a Sunday night, but that’s okay.
I need to get back into my routine.
For the last three days I’ve been out of my routine.
I’m off my workout routine, off my writing routine, and off my eating routine.
WAAAAAYYYYY off my eating routine.
So here is today’s message.
I am so tired.
And you know what is worse than coming home to a disaster of a house when you are exhausted and have been gone for a few days?
Not much.
And tonight, I came home to this:
and this:
and this:
A neat and clean house.
(and a lonely cat).
This has never happened before.
The house has always been a mess before we have gone away, and I’ve had that stress hanging over my head.
And this is all because I committed to staying on top of things — especially the kitchen — about a week ago.
And this is where discipline equals freedom.
Because being disciplined with keeping the house neat has allowed me to come home to peace and calm.
There is NO CHAOS.
I totally forgot about this new me over the weekend! I thought I’d be coming home to not your average sh*thole!
I will not have to spend the first half of tomorrow cleaning up the house.
I can get right back to my routines, first thing tomorrow.
But now I gotta hit publish, cause it’s 11:39.
See you tomorrow.
I see it, Susie. 👍💕 Good job!
I think you would really enjoy the Organised Mum blog – she has the Organised Mum Method for keeping on top of house work – and its an easy system to follow 😁