I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately.
And while I do want to profit off of this blog, I also want to help people.
And I believe 100% that you cannot be your best version of yourself and truly happy if you are not active.
You have to exercise to be healthy, and strong, and clear headed.
Exercise is a free anti-depressant, available to you at all times without a visit to the doctor or a prescription. It is an immediate mood booster. It can help to improve or completely eliminate health problems like diabetes.
When you exercise you sleep better, have a better sex life, improve your self esteem, and set a good example for your kids.
I know, it’s not fun sometimes. The actual act of exercising is tiring.
Moving your body is more difficult than lying on the couch in your pajamas under a blanket.
But being sick and unhealthy and unable to participate in life by the time you are 65 when you are hoping to retire is no fun either.
I run an e-course. It’s called Not Your Average Fitness Course.
The next course starts in 4 days on Monday, March 16th.
I designed it to fit around a mom’s busy life. To be affordable and manageable.
The goal of this course is not to turn you into a marathoner or triathlete (unless that’s one of your goals — it can help you do that, too). But it’s not hard core.
It’s designed to help you incorporate habits that promote just being more active in general.
You don’t need a gym membership. You don’t need equipment.
You need your own two feet. And the desire to improve the quality of your life.
About a year ago, I was advised to raise the price of my e-course. By 500%.
I did.
I think it was a mistake.
Don’t get me wrong, I have put a lot of work into this course, and what you receive is invaluable.
But like I said before, I want to help people.
And like I also said before, if you really, truly want to be happy, you need to get up off your ass and move.
Every day. Just for 20 minutes. Nothing crazy.
How you choose to move your ass is up to you.
But if you are struggling with being active and with feeling unhealthy, I can help you. And I want to help you!
So here is what I have done:
I have reduced the price of my course. I have also changed it from an eight week course to a six week course.
And I am offering you the first week for free.
No strings attached.
Try it out.
Share it with a friend.
If you like the first week and want to continue on (and I’m quite certain you will), you will have the option to purchase the next five weeks of the course.
If you are ready to make a positive change, click here now.
Register for the first week for free. There is no payment, no credit card info to give, no hidden trap.
Just a gift from me to you.
Please accept it.
See where it takes you. My guess is you’ll really like the final destination.
Thank you for making me Number 1!
Click on the banner below and you have registered your vote for me!
Ok Susie, I signed up!! I will try it out. But can you explain how it works?? I would like to know what to be prepared for. Do I do it when I can? Or at a certain time?
Details details details!!!
Awesome! You fit it into your schedule however you can. It’s very flexible. But I will ask you to get up off your butt every day
I am currently chasing around an 11 month old!!! Being on my butt is hardly an option!! But I am excited to try it out!!!
I took this course after my first baby and loved it. She gives you instructions and info regarding food and exercises. She also had challenges. All very doable. I’m short on money but hope to sign up again soon…or maybe for this one! I highly recommend it
Awww. Thank you for the endorsement Tamara!!!
How much for the other 5 weeks?
OH – and I love reading your blog every day. It’s the first site I check every morning to catch up. I had to sit through a training course this morning and it nearly killed me b/c I didn’t get to see what you are up to! Can’t wait to hear about the lunch at Barney’s.
Thanks for being you! Your honesty and suggestions are so helpful and inspiring to me.
I took part in Susie’s first e-course, while I was working umpteen hours a day, every day, running a summer club program and it kept me healthy, sane and was easy to manage. My extra 17 lbs. and I have regretted NOT rejoining in the two years since. It’s time, it’s gonna happen…thanks, Susie. Folks, you will surely benefit and enjoy the course. JUST DO IT!!
All right, I’m in! I’ve been thinking about this and wondering about affording this. Thanks for making this available!
Ok, so I think I’m ready to take the plunge. I mean what do I have to lose (other than 40 pounds!!) Thanks for all you do Susie!!
When does it start?
Never mind… It helps to scroll down
Very interesting! Let me say, I like how you want to give back–I love bloggers who truly care about their audience and their readers (and the world in general). I could not agree with you more about exercise being an amazing antidepressant. I have mild depression and exercise can make it so it doesn’t even exist for me anymore. Its wonderful. I am not a mom yet, but I am curious and want to give it a try anyway. You said the first week is free?