Dear Everybody,
I just want to share a little about the last twenty four hours. I just want to say thank you. We had an amazing Christmas, and it was because of you.
Last night on Christmas Eve, I was able to give the kids Christmas pajamas.
The ones that Numbers 3 through 7 are wearing are hand-me-downs, either mailed to us unexpectedly (from Kentucky), anonymously delivered to the hood of my car one morning, or dropped off by an old friend. And my parents bought Number 2 some new ones.
Everybody was so happy, and they all looked great. Nobody cared how the pajamas came to the house or whether they had been worn by someone else before.
I was able to sit down and watch Rudolph last night with the kids and then read them The Night Before Christmas, without having to worry about pulling an all night wrapping session.
Because my parents wrapped every single one of my presents.
In fact, they kept all the gifts at their house so the kids wouldn’t find them, wrapped them, drove my car down to their house, loaded all the presents inside, and then drove my present-filled car back to my house.
I know.
My parents are amazing.
Thank you to friends and strangers whose gifts put these smiles on my kids’ faces.
This was the first year that Number 7 really understood the concept of opening presents. It was so fun to watch her excitement.
Thank you to the friend who gave her this baby. She’s already a good mommy.
A little rough, but attentive at least.
After the mayhem at our house was finished,
we headed to my parents’ house for round two.
Thank you to the blog reader who I have never met who sent me a box of clothes for the girls.
Number 5 wore the fancy Christmas dress you sent to us. She felt like a princess. You made her day.
Thank you.
It wasn’t just the kids who were blessed with gifts.
Santa didn’t forget about me, either.
I don’t know which gift I’m more excited about:
The hair clippers I got, so I can cut the boys’ hair myself now,
the year pass to all the major zoos in New York for the entire family!!!
or the entire 9 season, 55-CD set of Little House on the Prairie.
What a great day we had.
Number 4 called me over to her tonight and gave me a hug.
“Thank you for giving me the best Christmas ever,” she said to me.
“I love you so much.”
Thank you for that.
Thank you for letting me give today to my kids.
They really genuinely grateful and appreciative.
(Well, except for Number 6. We’ve got a little work to do with him).
Thank you for helping to make it so special. Thank you for sharing it with us.
Not having to worry about how we would put presents under the tree for the kids was wonderful.
But the greatest gift we received this season is knowing that we are not alone.
Thank you, again, for giving my children and me a very Merry Christmas.
I feel extremely blessed, yes, for the gifts my children and I received, but more importantly, because I have such a strong net of support beneath me.
Merry Christmas, and Peace be with all of you.
Tonight it is most definitely with me.
i am so happy that you and your family had such a wonderful Christmas. Love the jammies and the awesome green dress!! Merry Christmas!
Thank you Ashley. Happy New Year!