I kind of put a lot of things on hold or pushed them aside for the marathon. So now I’m on a quest to get organized and catch up. I’m also on a mission to become more organized in general. Permanently. I can’t take it anymore. The other day I was listening to Howard Stern. […]
Lessons I've Learned
Dear Parents.
There is a fable. Or a parable. Or an allegory. It may not even be one of those. It may just be a story of how shoes came to be invented. I don’t know the title. I can’t find the actual story anywhere either. But it goes something like this: A king ventured out of […]
Parenting. Sometimes you strive for perfection. Other times, it’s a pass/fail course.
Last weekend I posted this on the facebook page: Tonight is a screw-the-teeth-brushing-get-your-ass-into-bed kind of night. And someone left this comment: ooookay. What brought that on? I wasn’t quite sure what to make of that… That ooookay, with 4 o’s, kind of left me with a feeling of disapproval. And the “what brought that on?” gave me the […]
Why be honest when you can be passive aggressive? Or, how to completely destroy a friendship.
About 5 years ago, a very close friend of mine asked my husband to do a really small job at her house. Those little “handyman” type projects aren’t really his thing, but I kind of begged him to do it. My friend had a reputation for being a little, um, difficult. And demanding. She lived […]
The terrible twos. They actually start in the ones. And last til the threes.
Yesterday someone messaged me asking for parenting advice. Yeah. Like Dear Abby. I was rather flattered. And then I started panicking. What if I say something, this person takes my advice, and then the problem gets worse? Not Your Average Mom doesn’t know what she’s talking about! So I’ll share what I do. With the […]
Take someone else to court today. I’ve got other plans.
The other morning I turned on the tv while I was making breakfast. The news came on. In one minute, there was a story about a teacher who got busted for offering students money to have sex with him, some dude who randomly started hacking a woman with a meat cleaver in Chinatown, and a psyyyyyyyyycho […]