There was a teacher in my elementary school named Mrs. S.
There are 3 things I remember about her:
1) She read Mrs. Piggle Wiggle books to us for read aloud.
2) She always wore clothes that had strawberries on them.
3) She had fat lady cleavage.
Yes, fat lady cleavage.
You know, that cleavage that is a good 8 inches long?
The kind that starts just below a larger woman’s chin?
And looks like more of a butt crack than cleavage?
Well, about a year ago, I looked at my chest.
And I was horrified.
I had the same fat lady cleavage as Mrs. S.
Two weeks ago I realized that I had dropped a few pant sizes.
Well, last week I made a discovery that was almost as satisfying as the pants.
My fat lady cleavage is gone.
Now, onto the midsection.
It is going to take some serious ab work to get that belly tightened up.
And I hate ab work.
Like, HATE it.
So I’m putting it out there…
There re 2 extra ab workout dvd’s that come with P90X.
This week I will do both of them.
Day 1
Day 8
Day 1
Day 8
Okay enough about me.
Guess what?
A very, VERY brave lady has sent me some before photos.
Her name is Jamie.
Here is her story:
I‘m a small town girl who married her high school sweetheart. I met him when I was 15, got married between my junior and senior year of college when I was 21. Graduated from Bradley University with a degree in Communications, PR a bit early because I just couldn’t wait to have a family (looking back, probably could of waited a bit longer (-: ) So we moved back to our home town, bought a house and got pregnant, then got pregnant again, and again and again….pretty much 5 years straight I was preggo or breast feeding. My baby is now 16 months and as far as I am know I am not pregnant, gave up breastfeeding when she popped her first tooth at 12 months, so I feel like I no longer have the excuse to look this way. Plus I just feel like crap; I’m lazy, moody, exhausted and get way too frustrated when trying to get dressed.
Watching you through your transformation has been pretty life altering for me. There are times I feel like I can’t get anything accomplished, like at all- my house has become a complete disaster and I’m some what of a neat freak, so finding time to exercise and eat right just seemed impossible for me. “Maybe some day when the kids are older,” I’d always say to myself. But after seeing what you did in such little time with all of your kids I have decided I no longer want to wait to feel good about myself again. So with I’m sure tons of help from my 5, 4, 2 and 16 month old I am going to drop 30 lbs. I’m not setting a time limit on it–but it’s going to happen, no more excuses. I’ve never been a skinny minny and don’t really care to be one. I just want to fit into my clothes comfortably, have energy to keep up with the kiddos, maybe impress my husband a bit and not have everyone ask me when I’m expecting again.
The picture thing is really nerve racking, but pretty dang motivating as well. I passed up several opportunities to eat sweets today which is so not me. In the past if I was “dieting” I so would have just given in as soon as someone offered me chocolate, but today all I could think about were the pics.
Well, I am very impressed with the set of balls on Jamie for doing this, and I am excited to have a partner working along with me.
I look forward to supporting her in her journey, and to watching her transformation!
Day 1
Day 1
You’ve taken the first step, Jamie.
Now take the next one.
And the next.
Keep going!
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You guys are both awesome! I am still in that stage where I want to look better, but I have absolutely no motivation. I got married in my senior year of college and was pregnant during graduation. After having my first baby, a few months later I found out that I was pregnant again. My second child is now 9 months old and I am about 30 pounds and many dress sizes bigger than I want to be. Hopefully one of these days I will figure out the workout plan that works for me and get motivated. Any ideas or suggestions?
Go Jamie! (and go Susie!)
Good for you, Jamie! I admire both of you for putting yourselves out there, it can be a scary thing and I applaud you both.
Good job ladies! I started my diet as well but then today when I ordered in what I thought would be a healthy lunch (chicken) they sent me 8 whole chickens and a complimentary side of stuffing. :/ I guess my diet starts tomorrow.
That’s a lot of f*cking chicken.
ok ok you’ve got me hooked….started walking again yesterday after a couple of years….took the photos today…I’m not as brave as Jamie….but I do have them up on my wall….and 30 lbs would be a dream come true so…here goes….
Yay! Good for you. Keep it up. Maybe you can send the before and after pictures to share when you get where you want to be
Good luck Jaime! I am finally saying goodbye to all that baby fat, too.
I am seriously inspired….I’m way too scared to send in pics, but I want to lose weight. I was just telling my husband how I feel like such an idiot because when I was in my late teens and early twenties I was so hard on myself about losing weight even though I look at pics of myself and I was tiny. I am 4’11 and I weighed 110 lbs. I weigh a good 40 pounds more than that now, after one baby. And I really hate it. I am not sure I will ever be happy with my weight, which really sucks to be hating on yourself so much. I’d love to change that.