If lack of motivation, lack of time or multiple failed attempts are holding you back from making changes in 2021, my FREE challenge will fix that. Register NOW!
I run an online course called BACE Camp.
BACE stands for Become A Consistent Exerciser.
My belief is that you cannot perform anywhere near your best in any area of your life — physically, emotionally, financially, as a parent or a wife or a friend or an employee or a boss — if you aren’t regularly exercising.
Initially in BACE BAMP we focus on making exercise a habit, but the course is really more about making the mindset shift to where you truly understand the value and importance of investing in yourself before you invest in other people.
BACE CAMP is a 6-week course, and upon completion, all members have the option of joining the membership that follows the course.
The membership is called HOME BACE.
I work with all my HOME BACE ladies to implement what is covered in BACE CAMP and we dive much deeper into the content that’s covered.
We go beyond looking at making exercise a habit, and we set short term (and long term) goals.
I send out daily emails and run four Facebook live coaching sessions each week, and recently we started having Weekly Accountability Meetings (WAM) on Zoom.
Six weeks ago, we set 12 week goals.
I started doing this earlier in the year after reading The 12 Week Year: Get More Done In 12 Weeks Than Others Do In 12 Months.
The overall philosophy of the book is to set 12 week goals that work toward a larger goal (a 3 or 5 year vision) because setting a one year goal is, for most people, too far down the line to be effective.
There is no sense of urgency with a one-year (or 12 month) goal.
If you have a bad week or a bad month or a bad string of months, you often still tell yourself, It’s okay. I’ve still got six or seven or eight months.
When you set 12 week goals, there is more urgency to them. Every week counts. Blowing off a whole week is like blowing off a whole month.
It matters.
The women in the group have set different goals. Some of the 12 Week Year goals are:
- lose 10 pounds
- consistently practice yoga
- achieve financial independence
- to create consistent and effective routines at home
- to improve sleep hygiene
- to declutter and organize their home
- to get back into the 150’s on the scale
In order to achieve these goals, we are focusing on our one thing.
Rather than making a big long list of stuff that needs to be done each week and each day, we are choosing just one thing.
Life is really hard to manage for many of us right now. Especially for teachers. And I have some teachers in HOME BACE.
By focusing on just one thing, we are making sure we invest in ourselves first, so we can take care of everyone else second.
Because if we go down, then the whole ship goes down.
Making your physical and emotional health a priority is more important than ever right now.
Now isn’t the time to neglect yourself. It’s the time to put yourself at the top of the list.
Focusing on one thing takes the overwhelm out of self care. It makes it manageable.
In our WAM, I ask everyone to commit to a one thing, and then they share what it is.
Here are some of the one things my badass ladies committed to at this morning’s WAM:
- no dessert after dinner 6 out of 7 nights this week
- track food and enter it into My Fitness Pal after every meal
- walk 2 miles a day, 5 days a week
- do yoga 5 out of 7 days
- run for at least 30 minutes on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday
- wake up between 5:30 and 6:00 am every week day
- exercise for 10 minutes every morning before work
- prep fruits and veggies for the work week on Monday morning and bring to work so there are healthy options there
Some one things require more time than others. But many of the women in HOME BACE have been there for over a year, so they have been working on this stuff and leveling up gradually for a long time!
If you haven’t been taking care of yourself, consider setting a shorter, 12 week goal for yourself.
Twelve weeks will bring you just about to the end of the year!
Where do you want to see yourself in 12 weeks?
Once you’ve figured that out, determine what one thing you can do every day for the next seven days to help you move in that direction.
And then commit to it!
Make it something you can actually commit to. Something manageable, but something you aren’t already doing.
Like drinking 8 ounces more water every day than you are right now. Or getting a certain number of steps every day. Or doing 5 push-ups each morning. Or not hitting the snooze button at all. Or designating a spot to put that thing you misplace every day — your keys or your phone or your earbuds or whatever — and actually putting your sh*t in its designated spot every day.
Once you’ve figured out what your one thing is, write it down! Every day!
Put it on a post it or in your planner or wherever, and hold yourself accountable!
See what happens at the end of the week.
If you want a little extra support, leave a comment here or on Facebook and share your one thing. That’s what we do in HOME BACE!
Put it out there into the Universe.
Then do it!
And keep me posted! I want to hear how you do!
Susie’s courses are the bomb –> the ripple effect reoriented my entire family towards health.
Awww I LOVE YA Joanna!!! I miss you!!!!