It’s about the halfway point of summer vacation here in CT.
But if you are anything like me, you are way more than halfway to your breaking point, and you are starting to count down the days until school begins.
You don’t really want summer to be over. Not the good parts of it. But boy do those bad parts — the challenging parts, the exhausting and draining parts — make you look forward to September.
And when your kids are starting to make you wonder if you have failed miserably at this whole parenting thing, I want to assure you that you are not.
You are not alone in your struggles. And I thought maybe you’d like a couple of reminders.
Just in case you thought you were the only one…
Your kids are not the only kids who commence fighting within twelve seconds of waking up in the morning.
Your kids are not the only kids who are constantly bored.
On the flip side, your kids are not the only ones who refuse to do any of the things you suggest to help them be “unbored.”
Your kids are not the only kids who are not just annoyed but completely driven into a rage due to their siblings simply looking at them.
Your kids are not the only kids who complain about not having anything to do while they are simultaneously telling you they are too tired to clean up their rooms or help out around the house.
And you are not the only mom whose day at the beach has been completely ruined because your kid got a speck of sunscreen in her eye.
You are not the only mom who hasn’t cooked an actual meal since the last day of school.
You are not the only mom whose kids have only taken “pool baths” in a week. Or month.
You are not the only mom who is not sure when the last time her kids brushed their teeth was.
You are not the only mom who may have to just give her daughter a really cute bob the week before school starts because you have not seen a hairbrush since June.
You are not the only mom who has let your kids beat the crap out of each other for a minute (or five) longer than usual because you are just too damn tired to deal with it.
You are not the only mom whose kids appear to get along really well in public but then when they get home are complete and total douches to each other.
You are not the only mom whose kids still have all their papers from the last week of school in their backpacks.
You are not the only mom who will throw away a lunch box the day before the first day of school because you never emptied it out and it is now a serious science experiment.
You are not the only mom who is boycotting the summer reading log.
You are not the only mom who doesn’t really give a flying fuck about the summer slide.
You are not the only mom who is already looking forward to the first day of school, but who will cry like a baby when her five-year-old climbs on the bus for the first day of kindergarten and wishes she had just one more day of summer.
And you are not the only mom who is wondering if she is the only mom thinking, feeling, and experiencing all of these things.
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My two are 16 and 12 and I actually had to pull the car over last week because the 12 year old (girl) was kicking the 16 year old (boy) in the backseat. (Not that he didn’t deserve it!)
EVERY word you wrote applies to my house of maniacs! As always, thanks for making me feel like I’m not the only one!
Thank you–I needed this today. My kids are only 2 & 3, but I share so many of these same thoughts already. I’m a teacher, so I’m counting the days until I go back to school. After a stressful day of toddler wrangling, bedtime came early for my boys tonight, but all of the hassles of the day were quickly forgotten when I checked on the kids and found that they had both crawled into the same bed to sleep. It was far too sweet a sight to split them up.
I’m on a Maternity Leave with 7 and 5 years old girls and my little baby boy (6 month old).
I also counting the days til I go back to work (30 days!!)
but I have a tip – every Sunday I sit with my daughters and we make plan of the week.
for example – Monday: going to the zoo, Tuesday: going to the park and have a picnic, Wednesday:going to the Jumpark and so on. this way the week pass fast and we all get to have fun.
And by the way – for not getting insane – I go out at night with friends. I leave my husband with the kids and just go out of the house for time of myself. (last week I went to a movie with my brother and on other night with my best friend for a wine on the beach).