About 10 days ago, on the facebook page, I posted this status update:
I was late to Number 4’s Mother’s Day Tea.
Because I couldn’t find anything to wear.
Because nothing fits me.
Because it was all TOO BIG!!!
Yeah, mothereffer!!”
And some bra burning a-hole replied with the following comment:
wow…so validating and reinforcing of the narrow paradigm of thin is beautiful and everything is ugly…how liberating…you must be proud
I don’t think she actually reads this blog or likes my page.
I don’t really care either.
And those of you who know me know that’s not what it’s about for me.
I don’t really care if you weigh 400 pounds.
If you are happy with yourself, that’s what’s important.
Although, I don’t really believe you if you say that you are.
And you can rationalize it however you want.
But it’s a fact.
Being overweight is not healthy.
It shortens your lifespan.
And I clicked on that chick’s name and saw her picture.
Let’s just say if she stays on her current course, she won’t be an active participant in her grandchildren’s lives.
If she even lives to see them.
You don’t see many overweight old people for a reason.
So yes, I want to feel smoking hot right now.
I want to look down and see my toes.
Not my stomach.
But I also want to be a grandma.
Who can do shit with her grandchildren.
Not sit on the sidelines and observe.
I mean who’s ultimate aspiration is to ride the bench?
Not mine.
I do not want to be a benchwarmer in the lives of my children.
Or their children.
Or even their children.
Last week I was doing P90X, and Tony Horton said,
You are becoming less vulnerable,
and more durable.
And that’s what it’s about for me.
I want to be durable.
Able to take a serious beating.
And come back for more.
Like this woman.
That’s what I’m going for Ana.
While I am crossing the finish line, you’ll be sitting next to it.
Speaking of crossing the finish line, guess who else crossed it?
On Sunday she ran in her first 5K.
How awesome is that?
She couldn’t do that shiznit 4 weeks ago — not even close!
Less vulnerable.
More durable.
Go Jamie.
You rock.
Here’s what she said after her race:
I made it! Ran the whole thing…not fast by any means, but we made it- 34 min 12 sec. Felt awesome! Thanks so much for making me do it!
Just call me, as a new friend so awesomely put it, “the real woman’s Jillian Michaels.”
In fact, do more than that.
Sign up for my e-course!
YES! It’s open for registration!
Let’s get all of our asses in shape!
Let’s all become more durable!
8 weeks.
A bargain.
Do it for yourself.
Do it for your kids.
The course is still a work in progress, but I promise to give you the following things:
- motivation
- inspiration
- knowledge
- accountability
- and a daily kick in the ass
If you have a friend in another town,
Or state,
Or country,
you can work out with her, or him, now.
Don’t wait.
Don’t miss out.
Don’t sit on the sidelines.
While you are at it,
like the course’s new facebook page!
Let’s go people!
Day 1
Day 29
Day 1
Day 29
Day 1
Day 120
Day 1
Day 120
All you need to do is click on the banner above to register a vote for me!
You can vote one time every 24 hours from every computer and cell phone! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!!! I really appreciate your support!
Check out and “like” the not-your-average-mom.com facebook page!
Follow me on Twitter @mom_not_average
you ladies are awesome!! keep up the hard work!! you are inspiring a LOT of moms. ignore the nay sayers who are living in denial about their own health. just started doing p90x with my husband, and i feel better everyday i commit to and do it!!
Great job!! Keep up the good work. Check out my website.