Today Number 6, who is seven years old and in second grade, came home from school with this piece of writing.
He handed it to me and said:
“Mommy, read this. I got to go to a special room to make a copy of it with my teacher because she liked it so much and she wanted me to take it home so you could read it. I was the only person in my class who got to make a copy, and I was the only person in my class who read what they wrote out loud to everyone in class.
I’m really proud of myself, Mommy.”
It says (spelling errors left intact because I think they are cute):
Being kind is the most important thing in the world!
Without kindness everyone would be sad, left out, and lonley.
my favorite kind thing to do is include others.
Being kind means sooooo so much.
If kindness did not exist, I would not be happy at all.
Did you know spredding kindness makes YOU feel good, too?
Another way to be kind is to make a card for someone.
It will brightin there day.
Being kind is my favorite thing to do.
I hope you will be kind to!!
Imagine if instead of bashing each other and people we disagree with on Facebook every fourteen minutes, we all made more of an effort to follow the advice of a seven-year-old.
- Being kind is the most important thing in the world.
- Include people.
- Make a card for someone. “Brightin” there day.
Spread some kindness today.
It means sooooo so much.
From the mouths of babes. He is absolutely right. Thank you for sharing.