Last night I went to see Jillian Michaels in Hartford.
I like her on the Biggest Loser, but I’m not some huge fan of hers.
A friend had an extra ticket, and she asked me if I wanted to go with her.
So I figured, why not?
But I had no idea what it was going to be like.
No clue what she was going to talk about.
I’m glad I went.
And while it was a little on the long side (2 1/2 hours), if you have the opportunity to go, I’d recommend it.
For a couple reasons.
First, if you are thinking about taking a dip in the lady pond, that’s the place to go.
Big time.
She’s pretty funny.
You don’t see that side of her on the Biggest Loser.
it might just inspire you.
And I’m not really talking about losing weight.
She definitely talked about that.
But she spent a lot of time talking about finding what you enjoy doing and what makes you happy, and believing in yourself.
And then, using all three of those things to realize your potential.
Destiny doesn’t happen by chance. It happens by choice.
She talked about setting goals.
And not like, “I’m going to start walking every day” kinds of goals.
BIG goals.
You know, those people on the Biggest Loser, go from, as Jillian put it,
“not even walking out to their mailbox to running a marathon in 4 or 5 months.”
One of my goals for this year was to run a marathon.
That’s still my goal.
It’s pretty big.
But I have a bigger one.
And it’s not exercise related.
I really liked something else Jillian said.
It’s okay to say that you’re good at something.
I mentioned that the other week about Number 4 when I wrote this.
She has no problem acknowledging what she’s good at.
It doesn’t mean you’re saying that everyone else around you is not good at it.
And you know what?
There’s something I’m pretty good at.
I can make people laugh.
And I’m not bad at telling a story.
And I really like doing it.
I’ve been told many times that women can relate to me.
That I’m able to let other moms know they are not alone in whatever struggles they are going through with their kids.
That I make them feel better about the job they are doing.
And that I give them inspiration.
So why don’t I use that to make a living?
Why not utilize those qualities to get myself out of the financial bind I’m in?
So that’s what I’m going to do.
What’s so different about me and Jillian Michaels?
She was a fat kid with no self-esteem.
She wasn’t born into her current position in life.
You know, like Prince William.
She made it happen.
Life is not happening to you; your are happening to life.
And Jillian Michaels is not the only person on the planet destined for greatness.
I am too.
We all are.
It’s just a matter of making it happen.
It won’t be easy.
There will be failures along the way.
And lots of hard work.
But I’m up for the challenge.
I’m done feeling dissatisfied.
And untapped.
So I’ve set my goals.
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