I’d like to come clean about something…
I haven’t had a physical in about ten years.
And I haven’t seen my gynecologist since I got my tubes tied and my bladder slung back up to where it used to be (totally worth it, by the way) in 2013.
Part of the reason for this is because I am generally in pretty good health.
The other part of the reason is because going to the doctor is just annoying, it takes up a chunk of my day, and honestly, I don’t want to deal with it.
But in the last year, four people — one the spouse of a friend and three people I know directly — have been diagnosed with cancer.
One with breast cancer, and two with colon cancer.
The women diagnosed with breast cancer are both younger than me.
The two people diagnosed with colon cancer were diagnosed with stage IV cancer. Both are in their early 50s.
Both did not have a colonoscopy at the recommended age of 50.
I don’t think I would have had one either at that age. Or a mammogram.
Because I’m healthy, right? I mean, that would never happen to me!
I just turned 48 a couple weeks ago. So I still have a couple years before I need to schedule those tests.
But I have this nagging injury in my lower back/butt/hamstring that won’t go away and has been getting progressively worse for about six months now.
I’m starting to feel the effects of my age a little bit.
I can live in denial a little bit longer.
Or I can get my ass to the doctor.
My kids are kind of counting on me to be around for a while.
So I spent a good portion of my day today making doctor’s appointments.
It had been so long since I’d seen my primary care physician that I literally didn’t exist in their records anymore.
And now she isn’t accepting new patients. Even if you aren’t technically a new patient.
Making an appointment when you are an existing patient can be difficult enough.
Finding a new primary care physician (that is highly recommended by people you trust) is nearly impossible!
The ones that everyone recommends either aren’t accepting new patients or they have a wait of like six months.
So it took me a while to find a new PCP, but I got one, and I made an appointment.
I made an appointment with my gynecologist.
I made an appointment with an orthopedist.
I scheduled more doctor’s appointments for myself today than I have in the last three years combined.
(The chiropractor was closed today, so I’m calling them tomorrow).
This is my reminder to you.
Not just your reminder.
Your sign from the Universe.
If you haven’t had a physical or an internal exam at the gyno in more than two years (or more than ten years like me), MAKE AN APPOINTMENT NOW.
If you are over 50 and haven’t had a mammogram or a colonoscopy, SCHEDULE THAT SHIT NOW!
I want you to be around for a long time.
And so does your family.
Take care of yourself.
Get all your parts checked.
Don’t put it off any longer.
There are plenty of things that can wait.
Your boobs, your butt, and your health are not one of them.
Once you’re past the time you’re going to have kids, there’s really no reason to go to a GYN doctor. Your PCP can do your pap smear and breast exam. There are new guidelines for pap smears also, they don’t do them every year. I got my first mammogram at 38 because of my family history. Got my first colonoscopy at the age of 40 because of family history (I’m 50 and have already had 3). The ages you listed aren’t hard and fast. Myself and my husband are self-employed, so we have the world’s most expensive and shitty health insurance. It covers most of my yearly physical and that’s it. It infuriates me when people with good, employer sponsored insurance don’t take advantage of it. Take care of yourself people!