I don’t know what prompted me to post what I made the kids for breakfast last week, but I had fun doing it, so I just kept going.
Here’s what I posted last Tuesday:
(5 on the swim team, 2 kids @ morning practice from 5:45-7 am, 2 kids attending triathlon camp from 9:30- 12:30, 2 kids working at triathlon camp from 9:30-12:30)
- 5 bagels
- 5 eggs
- 5 pieces of cheese
- 1 pound bacon
- 2 pints strawberries
- 6 cinnamon rolls
- 0 leftovers
Resting up before they come home wanting more food.
- 5 peach/mango/strawberry smoothies
- 1 pound bacon
- 3 cups homemade granola
- 5 cinnamon rolls (demolished before I took a pic)

Thursday morning the kids weren’t home, so I didn’t make breakfast.
The three youngest kids have swim practice from 7:30-9 am on Fridays and then Race4Chase triathlon camp from 9:30 -12:30 after that (swim practice and camp are in the same place).
They don’t want to eat a whole lot right before swim practice and they don’t have much of an appetite early in the morning.
They already pack their own lunches for camp, so I like to bring them breakfast in between practice and camp but I don’t really love driving back to the pool.
Number 3 serendipitously got a job working for the Race4Chase program this summer. He’s one of the coaches.
And he’s also legally allowed to drive with siblings in the car now! WOO HOOO!!!
So he drives Number 5, 6, and 7 to camp every morning except Fridays.
On Fridays he and Number 4 don’t have morning swim practice and they can sleep in a little.
I made them bacon egg and cheese on a bagel, strawberry/peach/mango smoothies and chocolate chip pancakes.
(I use the Krusteaz just add water pancake mix from Costco)<
The younger three got bacon, egg and cheese on a bagel and extra big smoothies to go.
I packed them in an insulated bag, gave them to my oldest, and he delivered them to the kids.
We are working as a good team so far this summer.
Now to wash the dishes.
Saturday’s breakfast:

Sunday breakfast (I had voluntary helpers – Number 5 and 7 taught themselves how to make crepes while I made a casserole):

Sunday was a really good breakfast.
It’s been fun doing this because the kids look forward to seeing what their options are gonna be, and they’re enjoying pitching in and learning a few things.
They aren’t enjoying cleaning up afterward so much, but we are working on that.
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