I had big plans for today.
I had been counting down the hours until all the kids were back in school since, like… Saturday.
I was going to work out early and then get a whole bunch of shiz done and get dinner ready early and have all my work done before swim practice so when I got home I could relax on the couch by the fire because it finally turned into winter here in CT and it went from the warmest winter ever to colder than a witch’s tit in about a twelve hour period.
And then at about 10:00 last night I remembered that I was supposed to get Number 7’s flu shot over vacation because she can’t go back to preschool until she gets it.
So this morning I took her to Rite Aid where I learned they only give flu shots to people over 18, so then I went to the walk-in clinic where I learned they only do kids 5 and over. Then I called her pediatrician and they don’t give flu shots on Mondays.
So there went my plans for the morning. Number 7 was pissed that she missed school. And things pretty much snowballed from there. Number 2 came home from school and told me he needed a ride to practice two hours earlier than he usually does and Number 5 came off the bus sick and with a fever and then I forgot I needed to get cash for the guy delivering firewood so I had to run to the bank and then we had a couple massive spills in the kitchen and a broken glass and bowl, and rather than getting a whole bunch of stuff done today, I pretty much got nothing done.
And the point of all this rambling is that today I was going to write a post about how I’ve been majorly stress eating pretty much since last summer when my husband had his accident and I’ve packed on about fifteen pounds since July.
And I’m running the Boston Marathon in April and I really want to be running it at my ideal running weight which is honestly about 27 pounds lighter than where I am right now.
That’s why I added this weight loss page in my bullet journal:
Yes, I currrently weigh 162 pounds. And losing twelve pounds by the end of the month is not a small task.
But if I want to be at my ideal weight for the Boston Marathon, I really should be under 140 pounds.
So I’ve decided to rejoin the weight loss program/competition I joined three years ago at my gym called Lose to Win because I could use something competitive to give me an extra kick in the ass. Because I love a good competition.
That starts next week. But I started to get my shit together today.
And I was going to take a before picture today.
But then my day self-destructed and it didn’t happen.
So anyway, yeah, I’m going to be documenting my weight loss journey for the next couple months.
It’s not because I’m trying to achieve some perfect or unrealistic body. To be honest, I’m not all that upset with how I look.
In fact, I feel pretty damn attractive these days. Even if I can pinch and inch (or four) and if I have wrinkles in places I never thought I’d have them. Like on my knees.
The reason I want to lose weight is because I just want to kick as much ass as I possibly can in this marathon, and I can’t do that at my current weight.
And I’m bothered that I’ve become so undisciplined in the eating department.
I want to reset that clock.
So I’m going to be reporting in to all of you on a weekly basis from now until April.
But you’ll have to wait until next Monday when Number 7 finally has her flu shot and all the kids are in school to see what my before picture looks like
Good luck Susie! We’re all in the same boat (well, wanting to lose weight, not necessarily train for a marathon!) so you are not alone. Thanks always for the inspiration to be the best we can
We were given a Wii at Christmas, with Wii Fit. I am 5′ 7″ 112 lbs which doesn’t look bad at all. I can wear size 5 jeans comfortably. But I went through the set up of Wii Fit and that stupid machine said I had a Wii Age of 55 (which is 8 years older than my actual age) and frankly that just will not do. So my goal this year, is set that stupid game right, and get my “Wii Age” to something much more realistic, like 27.