One of the biggest gifts to come out of the pandemic is the ways in which my life has been simplified.
It has put a big spotlight on how crazy life was before March.
And it’s helped me figure out what is really most important to me.
We are 9 days away from Thanksgiving (in the US) and 5 1/2 weeks away from Christmas.
I know this might be a sucky Christmas as far as spending time with extended family goes and also as far as some of your normal traditions.
We have control over our thoughts.
And we can look at the upcoming holiday season in two ways.
That it totally fucking sucks.
That we have an opportunity to slow down, simplify, and enjoy the holidays with the people who are literally closest to us.
I know it blows to not be able to see extended family.
I know we may not be able to enjoy all the traditions we normally participate in.
Two years ago we started going to the movies on Christmas Eve. We go to one of those movie theaters with the reclining, heated seats, and we wear pajamas and bring blankets, and then on the way home we order Chinese food for dinner and eat it at home.
We won’t be going to the movies this year.
I’m not sure we’ll be able to see my parents in person.
I could focus on all that.
Or I could focus on other stuff.
Maybe this will be the first holiday season that isn’t full of stress.
Maybe this will be the first holiday season where I am REALLY, TRULY present for my kids.
Maybe this will be the first holiday season where I’m not completely shot by Christmas Eve.
Maybe we will even establish a new tradition that’s even better than the ones we have now!
You control your thoughts.
You decide which ones to give energy and attention to.
And your kids are watching.
This holiday season can be just as magical an any other season in the past.
Maybe even more magical.
It’s all in how you look at it.
My ideal holiday season looks like lots of movies watched together as a family. Hikes with my kids. Baking cookies from my grandmother and great aunt’s old recipe books. Elfing other families.
I want to elf the SHIT out of other families. If there was ever a season to do that, NOW IS IT!!!
When I picked up Number 4 from school on Sunday and we were driving home, she said to me, “I’m so excited for Christmas.”
And you know what?
So am I.
Because that’s what I’m choosing to be.
How about you?
What does your ideal holiday season look like in our current climate? I’d love to hear!
And who knows…
Maybe some of your ideas will help another family create some really awesome memories this holiday season.
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