One of the biggest things I’ve learned through therapy, through reading, through being a parent and teacher and coach, and through this blog is that the biggest thing holding me back in life is me.
And the biggest thing holding you back?
And in particular, your thoughts and your mindset.
Many of us have been taught or conditioned to look outside of ourselves for the solutions to our problems when in reality, the solution lies between our own two ears.
We are on the cusp of a new month.
The last month of 2020.
And even though it’s been a rough year for many of us, that doesn’t mean we have to just throw up our hands and wait for 2021 to start.
Cause I hate to break it to ya but the beginning of 2021 isn’t going to be that different on the outside of our bodies.
We don’t have control over much of what is going to happen in the world or our town in the next few months.
Many of us just don’t know how to make this shift in mindset.
I want to help you change that.
In the next three weeks, I’m going to run three, FREE, 3-day challenges.
The challenge is in showing up.
The first challenge?
The Three Day Free Mindset Challenge.
It’s running from December 2-4, and in three days I’m gonna teach you everything you need to know to change your thinking — and your life.
I’m running it through three live Facebook trainings. You can attend them live, or you can watch them on your own time.
They will also be downloaded into the the challenge course library (which you’ll have access to on the first day of the challenge) so you can access the trainings, even if you aren’t on Facebook.
Again, the only challenge is in showing up.
I’m super excited for the next three weeks.
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