Yesterday I was exhausted.
Worse than usual.
I woke up thinking that maybe I should throw in the Lose to Win towel.
Every single part of my body is sore.
My house is a shithole.
And I feel like I am missing out on time with my kids.
But I managed to drag my ass to the Y and take 2 classes in the morning.
I was tired, and hungry, and I couldn’t stop looking at the clock.
It was 90 really long minutes of complete and total suckiness.
So when it was time to take Number 3 and 4 to swim practice last night, I considered letting them skip it and staying home.
But I had told a woman whose daughter wanted to play with Number 4 that she would be there after practice to hang out.
I didn’t want to blow the little girl off.
So I dragged my ass back there a second time last night.
I swam for an hour.
It sucked.
Then I did the elliptical for 40 minutes.
That sucked too.
But you know what didn’t suck?
Coming out of the cardio room and seeing this:
And then, seeing this:
There is a white board in the weight room at the Y.
It usually has some sort of inspirational quote written on it.
This was the last one:
I hated every minute of training, but I said ‘Don’t quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.’ ~ Muhammad Ali
I don’t know how many people pay attention to what is written on that board.
But that quote got me through every minute I spent at the Y yesterday.
I repeated it over and over.
And over.
I think some people think I’ve gone a little overboard with this whole Lose to Win thing.
But it’s not really just about this program.
Actually, I don’t know if it’s really even about Lose to Win at all anymore.
I mean, yeah, I want to win.
But I really just want to prove to myself that I can.
That no matter how hard things are, I can rise to the top.
Because life is really fucking hard sometimes.
Because right now, there are a lot of other things in my life that are, um,
not ideal.
To put it mildly.
Financially, things are not good.
And when I say not good, I mean pretty bad.
To the point that lately I have felt hopeless.
And I need to prove to myself that I’ve got what it takes.
To get through anything.
No matter what.
That whatever life throws at me, I can handle it.
If someone raises the bar, I am going to reach it.
And surpass it.
I want to remind myself that I’m strong enough to take on anything.
So I’m forging ahead.
Cause like Mr. Ali, I want to live the life of a champion.
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Congrats to you for sticking to it and working out when you didn’t want to! Best Feeling Ever! P.S. I clicked and voted for you on your banner! Found you at TMB!
Thank you Angela!