The following people suck:
1.Anyone associated with the tv show Power Rangers Super Samurai. That is quite possibly the worst show ever to be put on television. Watching it could and should be used as some sort of consequence for any adult who commits a serious crime. Knowing you’d have to watch that show would make you think twice about ever doing anything wrong again.
2.Whoever left the empty bag of potato chips in the pantry. And the empty cookie container. And the empty box of cereal. Please take the extra 2.5 seconds and THROW THEM AWAY.Whoever came up with the game Marco Polo. Most. annoying. game. ever.
3.Whoever left the empty toilet paper roll in the bathroom. For like the 150th time.
4.Kids playing the game “I call that car.” What the hell does “calling that car” mean? And isn’t there a limit to how many cars you can call? 2nd. Most. Annoying. Game. Ever.
5.The inventor of “flap” books. They should be called “these take fucking forever to read ” and “please destroy me way more quickly than you destroy a regular book” books. The text inside them should be limited to this: “NOOO, don’t rip tha-!” Oooohh… “NOOO, don’t rip tha-!” Oooohh… “NOOO, don’t rip tha-!” Oooohh…
6.The person who peed all over the toilet seat. Either put the seat up, or wipe the seat off. Or go pee outside.
7.The creator of those plastic princess shoes. They must have whacked a thousand different materials onto hardwood floors until they found the one that made they loudest, most ear piercing noise possible. And then some idiot MAN said, “Perfect! Now let’s use this to make a shoe…”
8.Anyone in a Victoria’s Secret catalog.
Feel free to add to the list 🙂
Amanda Grothaus says
So I’ve been thinking of starting my own blog but before doing so I wanted to do some research on blogs in general…than I stumbled upon your blog last night and I’ve been hooked! I slept a total of four and half hours last night and I’d like to think your blog has something to do with it (my 7 week old son could have also contributed to this lack of sleep). Needless to say I’ve become slightly obsessed. I think my husband is beginning to get jealous. I’ve wanted to comment on so many of your posts but like any busy Mom I thought to myself “I’ll come back later to do that” but when I saw this one I had to comment. I have 4 children under 6. The reason I stopped spending any sort of money on books is because of flap books. And princess heels? How can my 7 week old sleep through the vacuum cleaner running right next to his head but as soon as one of his sisters walk into the kitchen wearing those damn shoes he starts screaming at the top of his lungs? I love your blog! So honest…and hilarious!
susiej says
Ha! And thank you! And congratulations on the baby!!!
Meredith says
Ha! I swear I’ve said the same thing about tearing the flap books so many times! And, of course, my son would make a beeline towards them at bookstores too, ruining them for all future children before I can stop him.
Lou Bird says
People that JUDGE. The whole Harambe incident magnified judgy pants people for me big time. Everyone has an opinion, even before they know the story. And not we hear it all the time on social media. Who asked you what you think anyways???? No one!!!
Kerry hanleu says
You stole my answer!